Stuck in London

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Here is the next chapter 😊hope you enjoy it 

They were in London after Remus and Sirius made them apparate because the Death Eaters came and ruined Bill and Fleur's wedding.

"Are you guys alright?" Hermione asked as they got out of the road.  

"Yeah we're alright" Ron said calming Hermione down.

"I should have listened to him," Harry said under his breath so only the other two could hear him. "I should have listened to Malfoy about the Death Eaters were coming." 

"Harry, it is not your fault," Hermione said trying to convince Harry that everything was going to be alright. "Stop trying to say that you are the reason that they came."

"I am the reason they came Hermione," Harry snapped. "They are coming to get me to Voldemort. I am the reason they came and I should have just ran in the first place."

"Calm down mate," Ron said patting Harry on the back. "We will make sure that everything is alright. We will get through this together."

"Will you guys stop saying that." Harry said angrily. "It is my fault and we need to try and get all the horcruxes or we will not get through this. Stop saying it is not my fault."

"Harry, calm down," Hermione said worried. "We just need to get back to the burrow. Then we can make sure that everyone is alright."

"No," Ron said quickly. "We can't go back. Why do you think that Remus and Sirius made us come here. It is not safe there and you know that."

"Guys," Hermione sighed. "Just calm down and we will figure out what to do next."

Harry wasn't listening. He just looked over Hermione's shoulder to see someone that was very angry about something. His Uncle Vernon and cousin by his side.

"Guys," Harry said quietly. "We have to go now."

"What, Harry what are you talking about?" Ron questioned. "Harry is everything alright?"

"No," he said. "My uncle is walking around behind you guys. He is looking for me and my aunt. He must have thought that she took me here. Somewhere in London. We have to run."

After running away into an alley so they wouldn't get caught they had to change into other clothes from the bag that Hermione enchanted with an undetectable extendable charm. 

"Why is he out here?" Ron asked. "Why is he looking for you and your aunt?"

"When we showed up and I said that she was the one that helped me, I mean that she also helped me get out of the house. She wanted to get out of there so bad that when we left she just left a note and we ran. He had no idea that we were going to leave like that. That is why he looked so mad."

"Harry, why wouldn't you tell us this?" Hermione asked. "We are your friends you should tell us things like this. You can be in big trouble."

"I would have told you," Harry replied. "But I have a lot of other things to do and I have a lot of other things on my mind. And no Ron it is not Malfoy so don't try and bring that up."

"Alright mate. I will not bring up that subject," Ron said putting his hands up.

"Now, let's try to get out of this city." Harry said ready to leave. 

Hope you are enjoying. I know that the part about Uncle Vernon and Dudley was unexpected but there is going to be a lot more unexpected things that I have not thought through yet. So get ready there is a lot to come. And Happy Reading.

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