Train ride to London

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hey hope you guys are liking the story so far. i really am happy to write this <3 

After a couple of days things at school were getting chaotic with the fact that the headmaster was killed by Professor Snape and that he was on the run now. Many kids getting taken home by their parents. Others fighting to get them to stay for the funeral that was going to be held by the black lake the next afternoon.

Harry had been spacing out wondering about what his father was really like and if he had changed for his mother and why. Until he was interrupted by his friends. 

"So the horcrux was fake all along?" Hermione asked clearly seeing that it was open and had a note inside of it.                                                                                                                                                                      

 "Do you think that Malfoy would have actually killed Dumbledore if Snape hadn't come?" Ron asked changing the subject.

"Why do we have to talk about this right now?" Harry asked annoyed about the topic of Snape. "Sorry mate," Ron replied as Hermione looked back down at the note from the locket. "Thought you would know because you were there. And you just don't stop talking about Malfoy. It makes it seem like you are obsessed with him."

Harry let out a sigh. "I don't want to talk about it. I am just worried about packing my bags at this point. I am going to have to talk to Remus about something later."

"Sorry to burst your bubble Harry, but I don't think that he wants to hear about Malfoy," Ron's sister Ginny said laughing as she came down to the common room with her bags.

"That is not what I wanted to talk to him about, thank you," Harry said. "I have some questions about my father and he should know some things since they were best friends." he said going up to his room before they could question him.

He did care about Ginny, but at this point it was more like she was his sister. He knew that she liked him from what Ron had told him. He just felt like they were brother and sister. She was also dating Dean Thomas. So he did not care if she liked him like that or not.

He started to pack up his stuff to get ready to go to the train. Remus was at Hogwarts for the funeral so he would be going back home on the train. He was lucky because he would be taking the train with Remus, so he was glad they could talk. 

After packing he sat on his bed wondering if he would be back to stay here again. Would he ever go back to Hogwarts again? He still had to find the rest of Voldemort's horcruxes. And he knew it would be hard without the help from Dumbledore.

He then snapped out of his thoughts when Ron came in telling him the train was almost to Hogwarts so they had to go to the platform. 

"What if we don't come back next year?" Harry asked Ron grabbing his luggage getting ready to go. "Do you think that we have the chance to come back if we are hunting horcruxes?" 

"I don't know mate," Ron replied. "But right now lets worry about getting to the train to go home first."

*On the train* 

"Hey Remus?" Harry looked up breaking the silence that there had been once the train started to leave Hogwarts.

"What's up Harry?" Remus asked thinking the question would be about Dumbledore or horcruxes. 

"What was my dad like?" Harry asked hoping that he would get some of the truth out of his father's friend. "Like what was he really like? Snape had said that he was a swine and a coward." 

"I wouldn't believe the part of being a coward," Remus chuckled. "But I am being honest with you Harry, we were not always the nicest to him. James being the one on the worst terms with Severus." 

"I mean, last year I saw one of his memories," Harry explained. "It had been of my dad like, bullying him. It was a little unexpected. Snape wasn't happy I saw the memory." 

"Well Harry,"  Remus said shamefully. "We, well mostly James and Sirius, were pretty mean to him. It shouldn't have been that way." 

After a little while of silence, Ron finally started a conversation. "Weird not having Malfoy coming to our compartment right?" he said chucking. "He is always coming to see us at one point on the train."

"Ronald, please don't bring up Malfoy in front of Harry," Hermione said as if the subject of Draco around Harry was a bad thing. 

"Why?" Remus asked, "Why can't you talk about him around Harry? Does it make him mad or something?"

"No," Ron said laughing. "I guess, let me put it this way, if you start talking about him, Harry won't stop talking about him."

Harry however wasn't really paying attention until Ron's response to the question Remus had asked. He was thinking about the thought of the memory he saw of his father bullying Snape. "What about Malfoy?" Harry asked snapping out of his thoughts. "Sorry I was thinking about something." he laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, probably thinking about Malfoy," Ron said laughing.

"Ronald was talking about how it was weird that Malfoy wasn't here to visit our compartment like usual." Hermione said glaring at Ron for his comment.

 "Eh, I guess it is kind of different," Harry said. "But if we go back next year it will be even weirder not having Dumbledore there." 

Everyone sat there awkwardly once the topic of Dumbledore came up. And the thought of not having him there to help then with the horcruxes. 

Things were quiet until they made it to London. Harry knowing he was in for a rough ride once he got to the Dursley's. He had to get to their house first. Harry was hoping for a ride to get to the house, but knowing to the Dursley's, he had to walk or get a bus.

Hoping you are all liking the story so far. I am happy to make this for you guys. Happy reading.😊

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