Summer with the Dursley's

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Here is the next part. I know everyone hates the Dursley's so I changed somethings and it may surprise everyone. It may change your thoughts on the family. Happy Reading.

After saying goodbye to his friends and Remus, he had his long ride and walk to his Aunt and Uncle's house. When he walked in, his Aunt Petunia was glad to see him home, but had to hide her happiness when his Uncle Vernon walked into the room. 

When Vernon saw he was there, he took all Harry's school things and put them in the cupboard under the stairs. Hedwig being the only things that Harry could keep in his room. 

"This is your only chance to let your owl out when it wants to be out. If it makes a mess or wakes up, it will be locked up for good. You understand what I am saying?"

"Yes sir," Harry nodded taking Hedwig upstairs. Taking a quick look back to see his Aunt Petunia looking worried. Until she went back to the kitchen to finish the cookies she was making for Dudley. 

After unpacking his trunk, he went to help make dinner for his uncle and cousin. His aunt had started the steaks they were having, so Harry started to peel the potatoes to go with the meat that had to be cooked perfectly for his uncle.

Harry knew that his Aunt Petunia cared for him but had to act like she hated him when around Uncle Vernon. He would constantly try hurting Harry as punishment for not doing his work right. Constantly hitting or even cutting him. 

When Uncle Vernon would go to work and Dudley was out with his friends, Aunt Petunia would come see if he was alright and wrap bandages around his cuts. After Uncle Vernon and Dudley left one day, Aunt Petunia came with some tea, Harry finally asked about his mother. 

"Did you ever meet my father?" He asked quietly hoping she wouldn't get upset. 

"Yes I have," she replied after a minute. "He was very crazy and I think that he broke my sisters heart. She said she would have to take care of you while he would go out and party."

Harry was shocked. "Was it only her? Did someone actually help her?" he asked.

"I don't know," Aunt Petunia replied. "I wish I was there. I wish me and her had a closer relationship. And seeing the way that your Uncle treats you, I kind of wish that I didn't stay with him as long. I wish that I took you and left a long time ago." 

Harry hugged her. "Thank you. I am glad I at least have you." she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. 

"I am glad that you can get away to your school. Away from your uncle and cousin. I wish we could have left sooner." 

Harry quickly got out of her arms and stood up. "What if we can get away? It can't be to late." 

"But what about your school? You have to go to your school again soon." she said worried. "I'm sorry Harry. I don't think that we can do this." 

"Look, my friends brother is getting married next week and I said I would go to his wedding," Harry explained. "I can take you with me. I can help get you out of here." 

"Ok Harry, I will go with and take you there," she agreed happily. "But don't say anything around your uncle or cousin. I would just try and stay away from them if I were you. Stay away for the rest of the week."

The rest of the week went by like normal as Harry tried to stay away from his Uncle Vernon. He was excited to get away from his uncle and could tell his aunt was excited as well.

Finally a couple days before the wedding Harry and Aunt Petunia had to get ready to go to the Weasley's. Once Vernon and Dudley had left for the day, the two had started to pack their luggage. 

After about an hour the luggage was packed up in the car, they were about ready to go. Petunia just decided to leave a note.

     Dear Vernon and Dudley 

I know this is unexpected, and I know that you both do not like Harry whether he is family or not. I just wanted to say that I do not like the way that you treat him. We are finally leaving and I wish we left sooner. 

I also want to say that it is not okay that he is kept without food, locked in a room all day, or even given cuts and burns. Dudley better not get treated like that or I am calling CPS. 

And Dudley I want you to know that I love you as well. I am not happy with the way that you grew up. Watching your cousin get hurt. I will come back for you if I have to, but right now I am making sure that Harry is okay.

   Lots of love,


They quickly got in the car and headed towards the Weasley's to get away from the horror that happened at number 4 privet drive. Happy to leave.

Hope you are all liking it. I was wanting Aunt Petunia to be nice to Harry because I truly think that she would care for Harry and wished to have a better relationship with Lily. But she cannot show that she cared because of Vernon. The next part is coming dont worry. 

Happy Reading <3

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