The wedding

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I know that this story seems to be more about Harry at this point but I am going to find a time to have it about Harry finding about Lily and Severus. So sorry if it is getting boring I am going to make it more exciting. I promise. Happy Reading!

When they got to the Weasley's everyone was happy to see Harry. But then got confused when they saw Aunt Petunia because they have never met her. The closest to meeting her was when Ron and the twins came to save him before the second year. 

"Guys!" Harry said getting everybody's attention. "This is my Aunt Petunia. She helped get me away from my Uncle Vernon. And she would be the one to help bandage me up after he would hurt me."

"So she wasn't the one to hurt you?" Mrs. Weasley asked 

"Correct. She wouldn't hurt me. Sometimes she would have to slap me because my uncle was right there and I was acting stupid," he explained. "Don't get mad at her. She helped me and she truly cares about me."

Harry looked up to see his aunt looking at him happily. It was the happiest he has ever seen her.

"Thank you Harry," she said coming from behind him. "It is nice to finally meet your friends and their families.  It is nice to get away from your uncle and spend time with you." 

"As long as your happy," Harry replied. "Everyone deserves to be happy. Hurting others like Uncle Vernon does, is not the way. And it is really nice to spend time with you." She gave him a hug when Harry noticed someone staring at him. Draco Malfoy. The blond Slytherin that he thought hated him.

When Harry looked over to Ginny Weasley she was glaring when she noticed Draco standing there awkwardly. "What are you doing here!" she yelled pointing him out to everyone else in the room. 

"I need to talk to Potter," he replied quietly

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"I need to talk to Potter," he replied quietly. "It is important."

"What? NO!" Ginny yelled. "He doesn't want to see you! You hate him and almost killed Dumbledore! Why would he want to talk to you?!" 

She continued to yell until her mother came in to stop her yelling that had been scaring some of the other guests. Harry decided to go talk to Malfoy outside to see why he was even there in the first place.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry said once they got outside. 

"I, um," Draco started. "Uh, I came to warn you about something." 

"About what?" Harry asked confused.

"Death Eaters are coming," he said quickly. "They are going to come after the wedding. Voldemort is back and he is coming for you." 

"What do I tell everyone?" he asked to himself more than Draco.

"I would run," Draco told Harry. "I would just run and keep running."

"Why the hell are you here? You are a death eater yourself, you shouldn't be here." Harry questioned.

"I am warning you," he replied quickly. "Look. I don't want to be a Death Eater. But I had no other choice. My father was in Azkaban and my mother was upset. He would have killed me and my parents."

Harry looked at him in shock. Draco looked like he was about to cry just talking about his parents and being a Death Eater.

"Why didn't you come to us for help?" Harry asked, worried. "Why didn't you go to Dumbledore?

"Harry, Dumbledore is not as great as he seems. He is hiding things from you," Draco warned. "I overheard Snape and my father talking about Dumbledore not saying something to you." 

Harry turned pale. He was confused. How and why would Dumbledore hide something from him? "I'm sorry I have to go," he said turning away to get away from everyone else.

"Okay see you at school Harry," Draco said as Harry turned to leave. Harry then realizing that he was called by his first name and not his last.  He was wondering if it was just to be polite.

"I mean he hates you," he said to himself when he went to sit by a tree. "He doesn't like you. Does he?" 

He sat there continuing to question what happened when Ron and Hermione came over saying that they might need help getting the huge tent up for later.

"What's up mate?" Ron asked as Harry spaced out thinking about what happened about ten minutes before. "Harry are you alright?" Hermione asked.

"What? Yeah I'm alright," he said snapping back from his thoughts. "Yeah, I'm good." 

"What happened back there?" Ron asked concerned. "What did Malfoy want? Is he trying to spy on us?" 

"What? No, Ron," Harry replied looking at Ron like he was crazy. "He said that we have to be careful. Death Eaters are going to come after the wedding and that he had overheard his father and Snape saying that Dumbledore had been hiding something from me."

Hermione and Ron gave each other nervous looks. Harry thinking that they had known something that he didn't. He just didn't want to say something until later so they didn't get into a fight and ruin the wedding.

The day went by and they were in the giant tent. Harry was happy to see his aunt having a good time and enjoying herself. But he still had the thought of Death Eaters coming. He felt like it was just something that Malfoy had said so he would freak out.

He decided to calm down and enjoy himself when he then saw Luna and her father. After introducing himself to Mr. Lovegood and having a conversation, Harry had went to talk with other people. Noticing that Hermione had been dancing with Viktor Krum. Ron not looking happy about it.

He was talking with Ron until they heard a loud bang and saw Death Eaters coming from different directions. Everyone running to leave and members of the Order of the Phoenix going to help people. 

"Harry!" Hermione called running to find him. 

Everything was chaos and all Harry could remember was running up to Remus and Sirius and then apparating into London.

All Harry could think was the fact that Malfoy was right and that he should have ran so nobody else would get hurt.

Hey, hope everything is going alright and you are liking the story. I also hope that you are happy that Sirius is still alive. I just knew he shouldn't have died and that I can make it that he is still alive. Hope you enjoy the story. Happy Reading! 

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