Chapter 1 - a fresh start....again

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So here we go again another run away, my mother has yet another failed marriage so we ran away from her problems again. I couldn't even bare to look at her face, she had done this twice before uprooted me like it was nothing away from all the friends I had to new start. How many new starts do I need?

I simply looked out the window of our shitty little car and observed the outside world thinking how bad this new move would be.

This time we had to fully move countries, from my lovely quite English village to loud America, Belleville High School to be exact and I was dreading it

My mother called snapping me out of my thoughts

"What is it?"
I mumbled

"We're here sweetie!"
My mum said enthusiastically

I said bluntly

"Oh come on y/n it will be fun!"
Her weak encouragement killed me

"You said that with the last few schools"
I spat through gritted teeth

"Don't be bitter y/n it doesn't suite you"
My mum stated firmly, I just rolled my eyes and reluctantly got out of the car

I gazed up at the house we now had to call home, it was nothing special just a house that looked like all the other on the street

"Don't just stand there and look at it, go in!"
My mum sounded chipper but I knew it was just a pathetic attempt to get me to like this shit hole

I walked with my arms folded into the house and spun in circles to get a full view , it was actually quite nice. Well it needed some paint and decor but hey what house doesn't

I walked out of the room I was in and stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked upward, I heard the fast steps of my mother approach me didn't take my attention away from the upstairs

"Wow, isn't this great!"
My mum said joyfully

"Yeah it's,"
I took a pause and let out a sigh

"See I knew you'd like it!"
My mum cheered

"Come on let me show you your room"
She said as she walked up the stairs

I followed her up the stairs and into the room she went into, it was pretty small but it had potential. I was gonna cover it in posters so who the hell cares?

"So you like it?"
My mum said with pain in her eyes

"Yeah mum, it's cool"
I said reluctantly

"Well don't sound too excited about it!"
She said jokingly whilst walking towards me

My mum put her arm round me and pulled me close to her
"I'm sorry we have to move again"
She said shakily

I looked at my mum and she began to cry,
She sunk to her knees and weeped

My mouth opened, I've never seen her so sad. I knelt down next to her and placed my arm round her and pulled her into a hug
"Hey, it's ok"
I cooed in her ear, I hated seeing her so sad. Even though she made us move and made me leave my life behind, I know she loves me and I love her

She sniffled and rubbed her nose and wiped her eyes with the edge of her sleeve
"I'm sorry"
She said seriously

"I know"
I said holding back tears

She got herself together and took a deep breath in, she slapped her thighs on her hands
She spoke cheerily
"Let's make this house a home"

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