sleepover part 2

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"what do we need to talk about gee, i already know you're a fucking blood sucker"
i said scared and angry

"Y/N no no no it's ok, i'm not gonna hurt you"
he said calmingly
"i would never want to hurt you"

i stood in silence looking at him, i was hurt obviously the boy i love is a vampire but i can't help but not love him

"ok gee, i'll talk to you"
i said wiping away a single tear from my right cheek

"oh Y/N love don't cry it's ok"
Florence lightly jogged over to me and before i could hesitate i was pulled into a tight hug
"i'm so sorry i didn't tell you, i never wanted you to find out like this"
she said sincerely

"i know love, but it's ok we can talk it through"
i said pulling away from the hug and sitting down on the couch next to Gerard

"so, What do you want to know?"
Gerard said looking deeply into my eyes

"everything gee, how this happened, how old are you really? And what is "the one"?"
a cluster of questions blurred out of my mouth faster than anticipated

"well, a while back we were hanging around with some shady people a deal went wrong and i ended up getting attacked. i got beat up so bad i was bleeding out and going to die but then some guy picked me up and took me to his place"
Gerard paused to take a breath
"he had to turn me or else i would die and then he taught me how to survive as a vampire then i had to come back home like nothing happened"

"oh my god gee i'm so sorry that happened"
i said sincerely and rubbed his shoulder softly

"that's ok, those guys are long gone now. and oh yeah the answers to your other questions i'm 159 years old and "the one" is a difficult subject. i-i don't wanna freak you out"
he seemed reluctant to talk about "the one " but i was going to get an answer one way or another

"159! GEEZ GEE"
i said shocked

he giggled in response
"oh come on y/n, the guys are the same age as me"

"but what about Florence, how old are you?"
i asked

"well, i've only been turned for 10 years since i was 18 so no way near as old as these fuckers over here"
she joked whilst ruffling franks hair playfully

"does it hurt, you know, being....turned"
i asked nervously

"god you're so cute"
Gerard said smiling
"and only for a moment, it's a beautiful experience. the gift of eternal life, being able to spend the rest of your life with the person you love most in the world"
he gently stroked my hair and smiled as he looked deeply into my eyes

i said softly

"yes sugar"
he said softly whilst stroking my cheek

"Gerard, what's "the one""
i said nervous to ask

"if you really want to know, i will tell you but please Y/N tell me if i freak you out"
he said sweetly

"the one" is what you call- i suppose the love of your life, someone you find and spend your life with. like with frank and Florence"
he seemed so coy explaining it all, it melted me

"i was human when me and frank fell in love, but the we realised i was "the one" for him and i was turned. i knew it was right it felt so right"
Florence said as she clung onto frank with her arms around his neck

"but you said that i was-"
i tried to say but was cut off

"Y/N, in my cold heart i can feel it. i know i love you and i know i am never going to stop loving you sugar. you're the one for me"
he confessed passionately, i could see his eyes sparkle and tears start to form in the corners of his eyes

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