sleepover part 1

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frank shouted whilst adjusting wires at the back of the box, while the rest of us are on the sofa waiting for frank to work his TV magic

"Frankie baby just leave it we can use the projector, come sit next to me"
florence cooed to frank whilst rubbing his shoulders

"that's actually a good idea florence"
ray said shocked

"i can't think you know"
florence sassed

"since when"
Gerard giggled

"oh shut up Gerard, just because you want to look cool in front of y/n"
Florence snapped

i sat there blushing and Gerard looked furious

"shut the fuck up Florence"
Gerard stood up whilst he snapped back

"you can't talk to me like that"
Florence moaned

"oh yeah i forgot, only frank can say that to you"
Gerard snickered causing all the boys to snicker and Florence to looked shocked, i felt like i had missed something

"what do you mean?"
i asked confused

"nothing, just drop it gee"
Florence ordered

"oh no don't worry precious i'll inform you "
Gerard said as he jumped on the couch and landed next to me

he placed on of his soft pale hands on my neck and the other in my hair as he positioned me where he wanted me, my heart was racing and my breathing became heavy

"you ok sugar, you look a little hot"
he whispered in my ear, shivers clawed there way up my spine

"i'm fine"
i squeaked out

Gerard undid two of the buttons on my shirt
"hey what are you-"

"shhhhhh shhhh shhh, let me baby"
he whispered to me

my heart was pounding i had no idea what Gerard was doing and Mikey had
began to look at us

he placed his cold hand on my chest to feel my heart beat racing, we made eye contact and he smirked
"no need to be scared, i don't bite unless you ask nicely"

it was all too much, his hand on my chest, how he had manhandled me into his desired position, the others in the room stealing quick glances at us. i had to get away

Gerard's face got closer to my neck and he breathed deeply
"you're delicious"
he breathed out as his eyes turned darker, he almost seemed hungry and aroused all at once

was all i managed to say until i quickly jumped off the couch and ran up the basement stairs

"where are you going?"
Gerard asked

i breathed out as i ran upstairs to the bathroom

————time skip to bathroom———

i had just gotten my breath back and gotten myself together after what had happened, i don't know what came over me. between my legs became hot and i got a lot of butterflies in my stomach and-

i hear a knock on the door

"hey bae, it's Florence"
Florence said
"and Gerard"
another voice said

fuck Gerard's outside

"sorry, just coming out now"
i stuttered out

i got myself together and opened the bathroom door

"are you ok?, you just ran off omg are you sick?"
Florence said concerned whilst pulling me into a tight hug

"i was worried about you sugar, did i say something that upset you?"
Gerard said softly, whilst taking my head in his hands to make me look at him

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