shopping trip

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"are we there yet"
i whined

"almost there i promise"
frank said whilst taking a sharp left

"have you ever been shopping in America before?"
Florence asked

"no not at all, we don't have a hot topic in the UK either"
i said which caused me to get shocked glares from the group

Florence exclaimed

"no never"
i replied

"she's a hot topic virgin baby"
Florence said to frank as she put her hand on his thigh and rubbed it

"baby not now i'm driving, soon"
he shot Florence a look and she stopped

"later baby,"
frank cooed to Florence whist rubbing her hand

———time skip to the mall————

"we're hereeeeeee!"
Mikey sung

"you suck at singing love"
i giggled

"Gerard control your woman"
Mikey said jokingly

"Control your mouth Mikey"
Gerard snapped

"calm yourself ladies, we have shopping to do"
ray said excitedly

"we're actually gonna butt-fuck these stores"
frank said hyped up whilst hitting the steering wheel

Florence said playfully

Florence ordered and we all got out of the car and headed to the entrance of the mall

i gazed around in awe at the huge mall before me

"like what you see sugar?"
Gerard said sweetly

"i love it"
i said joyfully

"i wanna go to hot topic!!!"
Florence whined

"ohhh i wanna go to hot topic ohhh"
Gerard mimicked Florence

"Fuck off"
Florence spat

we ventured up the stairs to what looked like a hot topic stood before us, it was playing loud pop punk music and all the clothes looked just our style

"woah it's amazing"
i said in awe

"pick up your jaw sugar"
Gerard said as he put an arm round me and swayed me into the shop

"let's shop"
frank exclaimed

——————time skip—————

"oh my god i'm so fucking tired"
Ray groaned

"but i wanna go back and get that CD"
frank whined

"oh and i wanna get that belt"
Gerard added

"Then let's split up"
Florence suggested weirdly eagerly

"i don't know flo, i'm new and-"
i was cut of by Florence dragging me away from Gerard

"nonsense! you can trust me!"
she sounded overly sweet and it scared me a little

"what are you trying to do"
Gerard asked suspiciously

"Nothing silly!"
Florence said

"I'll walk y/n back to the car and you guys go finish your shopping!"
she said sickeningly sweetly

"Florence i don't know"
Mikey said concerned

"yeah Florence, we know you can't be trusted"
Frank spat

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