Chapter 3 - we've met before

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Gerard's POV
I led her to the reception where she needed to go, she followed me like a lost puppy and left her to get her timetable, I said I would wait but she insisted I went and I know why, it's because I make her nervous and I like that.

She's so sweet, she blushed easily too and that makes me smile.
Hold on?
I've just met the girl and suddenly I'm smiling over her
No this can't happen, she's living and I-
I'm undead, a bloodsucker a vampire
But what if she wanted to be one too?

But I thought about this with a girl before and it didn't end well

*flash back* (third person)
"I love you, and I want you to be mine forever love"
Gerard cooed in the pale women's ear
"Thank you"
She spoke back
Gerard felt a sinking feeling that she didn't return the favour but he tried hard to love her
"We could be happy like this together forever you know?"
Gerard said dearly
"Forever is a long time"
The woman said concerned
"But-, don't you love me?"
Gerard croaked out
"I like you a lot,"
She said reassuringly
"But isn't this isn't love, is it? we're just kids"
She giggled at the end of the sentence
Gerard heart broke, his appearance may have that of a teenager but his heart was as old as time. Immortal.
Gerard needed a lover he could hold forever someone who he could turn and adore.
She was not it
"I can't love you, I can't force myself to be face to face with such a loveless, fickle and heartfelt person"
Gerard began to weep, he though he had found the woman to call his forever but he was 20 years too early
The girl said angrily
She screeched and ran out, leaving Gerard alone again.
Gerard weeped alone but soon felt a hand on his shoulder
"Hey Mikey"
He snuffled
"Didn't work out huh?"
He said sincerely
"No, she didn't love me"
Gerard weeped
"It's ok gee, we can get Frank and ray over and watch a movie, grab a bite! C'mon it always cheers you up"
Mikey said encouragingly
"Yeah maybe"
Gerard said wiping his tears away with his sleeve
"Let's go"
Mikey said whilst putting his arm around Gerard to leave and go find the boys.
Despite it being 20 years ago it it still haunts Gerard, the fear of walking this universe alone without someone to hold and call his forever make him want to die
*back to present time (Gerard's POV)*
Maybe y/n was different than her, I need to get to know her. I desire to know everything about her I need to know I want to be obsessed with her forever and I want her to love me unconditionally and I will always do the same. I know in my heart I love her already but I need to become closer to her before I tell her everything and make her mine forever
I heard yelled at me from the front of the class
"My apologies"
I said through gritted teeth
I must get to know y/n for all I know she could be the one
———time skip to break————
(Y/N's POV)
Jesus Christ there is nothing worse than the lunch hall of a high school, there were so many people I couldn't see a 'friendly face' for what felt like miles. I stared into the magnolia coloured walls and zoned out, no thoughts no sound just me. That was until I felt a pair of hands spin me round
Frank shouted
Florence playfully hit Frank on the chest and giggled
"Frankie, behave you!"
"Sorry sweetheart, i couldn't resist"
Frankie said charismatically and wrapped his hands around her waist and planted a soft kiss on her lips. I just observed and blushed and Frank gave the kiss more aggression but Florence pulled away
"Frank! Y/N's here!"
Florence said in a higher tone
"I don't care, let her watch"
Frank said devilishly as he began kissing Florences neck whilst making searing eye contact with me for a brief moment
"Frank, I should put you on a leash"
Florence laughed whilst getting him of herself to stand beside her
"Sorry y/n Frank is just-"
She blushed and shit Frank a look before finishing her sentence
"Oh who cares about this guy lets go eat!"
She ordered as I followed her and Frank to the table
"We can introduce you to the whole gang"
Frank said turning his head to face me
"You'll love them, they are so easy to get on with!"
She reassured me

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