End of the week

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*bell rings*

"fuck finally"
i muttered underneath my breath

the corridor quickly filled with teenagers rushing out of school, it was hectic so hectic that amongst all the anarchy i was pushed over by some boy

"bloody hell"
i whined as i hit the floor

i hear a booming voice shout

the boy who pushed me soon ran off and i looked back at Florence

"you alright?"
she helped me up of the floor

"yeah i'm fine, just got knocked over"
i giggled slightly at the end of my sentence

"awh it's ok"
she said as she patted my head lightly
"come on let's go"
she said as she linked arms with me and and we walked out the door

"your still down for tonight right?"
she asked me smiling but i was puzzled

"what do you mean?"
i asked confused

"tonight?, with the boys and the thing and the basement?"
she asked

"i have no idea what your on about"
i giggled

"did frank not tell you?"
she stopped talking and we leaned up against the wall waiting

"tell me what?"
i asked still in a deep well of confusion

"so every Friday night. me, frank, Gerard, Mikey and ray get together in Gerard's bedroom in his basement and have a huge sleepover and horror movie fest"
Florence said excitedly

"sounds fun love"
i said smiling

"yeah it is and that's why we wanted you to come with us"
she said enthusiastically

"oh really, you just met me. i wouldn't want to ruin your fun"
i said reluctantly, i did want to go of course i did i mean it was Gerard's house

everything would smell like him

god what's gotten into me, i can't stop thinking about him

"don't be stupid, we'd love you there. it was Gerard's idea actually"
she nudged me at the end as she mentioned Gerard

"i'll call my mum and see what she says"
i said smiling

she squealed as i pulled out my phone and called my mum

"hey mum"
i said down the phone

"hey love, how was school?"
she said almost out of breath

"school was good, i made some friends and they want me to sleep over theirs tonight. is that ok?"
i asked

she spoke breathlessly
"that sounds great, come and pick up your stuff when you're ready love and hey guess what i got the job!"

"oh my gosh mum that's amazing i'm so happy!, why do you sound out of breath have you been running again?"
i asked curious

"no love, just a little stressed from work it's long days!"
she said getting her breath back

"oh ok, fair enough. i'm gonna come and get my things see you soon"
i replied, still suspicious

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