Chapter 2 - frank and Florence and ...

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—————time skip to school————-

I stood outside the building and looked up at it, I could feel my chest tighten and my breath becoming heavy

"This place looks horrible"
I said to myself

"That's because it is"
A voice said behind me with a laugh

It startled me and I turned around to see a tall, slim, pale girl with brown layered hair and beautiful green eyes heavily coated with eyeliner. She wore a small leather skirt, a small black top with plenty of necklaces and a few rings with very large shoes and a long leather jacket.

"Don't be scared, I may be tall and dressed darkly but I'm harmless"
She laughed and put her hand out for me to shake
"I haven't seen you before, are you new?"

"Yeah I am y/n, you look really cool by the way!"
I said with a kind smile

"Thanks and nice name, I'm Florence"
She responded whilst moving her hair out of her eyes

"And honestly don't be scared of me it's my boyfriend you should be scared of, he's a vampire"
She said in seriousness

I giggled

"Speak of the devil"
She said and turned her head right

Woah he appeared fast

"This is Frank, my boyfriend"
She smiled at him dearly
"Frank this is y/n she's new and a new friend of mine"

I smiled, I had made a cool friend on my first day. Florence boyfriend Frank was a the same height as her and was pretty pale he had feathered black hair with a portion of the front slicked down.

"Hey, you must be the vampire boyfriend"
I joked but he genuinely looked worried, he looked at Florence with worried eyes

"Frankie it's a joke, lighten up"
She said whilst playfully hitting his chest

"Oh haha, good one y/n"
He said relived

"Right we better get to home room Frank"
Florence said annoyed

"Oh who's your home room teacher y/n?"
She asked

"Uh, I don't know. I'm new so I'll have to go to reception and get a time table"
I said

"Oh yeah your new I forgot haha,"
She said flicking her hair back

"Let us know who you have when we see you at break, you will sit with us at break right"
She asked willingly

"Uh yeah sure, if you want me to"
I stuttered out shyly

"Of course we do, don't we Frankie?"
She said kindly

"Oh course we're always looking for new blood!"
Frankie said with a smirk

"Oh behave Frank!"
She laughed

The bell sounded and everyone scattered

"Shit we gotta go flo!"
Frank said holding onto Florences hand
"Let's go darling"

"Ok let's go, bye y/n see you at break!"
She said getting louder as she walked further away

I smiled, feeling better than I did before. I had made a friend and she's cool. Maybe mum was right, maybe we could be happy here

I walked down the hallway heading to the reception area with my head down and headphones in, Mumbling the lyrics to the song playing

"And I tried to laugh about it cover it all up with lies"
I mumbled as I walked with my head down

"Boys don't cr-"
One minute I was mumbling the lyrics to boys don't cry and the next I was in a heap on the floor and headphones had flown of my head

"Jesus fuck"
I said whilst sitting up and rubbing the back of my head

I looked up to see a tall pale man with long ish black hair and beautiful hazel eyes, he was dressed head to toe in black and had large shoes on

He walked over to where my headphones landed and put then on, he smirked

"The cure huh?"
His voice was surprisingly high and whiny for such a dark and sinister looking man

"Yeah I guess, they're cool"
I said quietly

"Let me help you up"
He came up to me and help out both his hands, I took his hands in mine and looked into his eyes. He was beautiful truly beautiful

He pulled me up and I took a deep breath in, he smelt beautiful too like dark coffee, cigarettes, books and his coat smelt slightly of patchouli oil He was such a captivating man.

"Are you ok sweetheart?"
He crooned, god even his voice was attractive

"I-I'm fine thank you"
I said blushing

He took my headphones and put the around my neck for me and smiled
"They aren't broken, they play just fine"
He smiled

"Thank you"
I said coyly

"What your name hun?"
He asked getting closer to me

"I-I'm y/n"
I said tensely

"That's a very beautiful name y/n, I'm Gerard Way,"
He put his had out for me to shake and I shook it, his grip was very strong it almost hurt

"Nice to meet you Gerard"
I said

"Where were you heading sugar?"
He said leaning agains the wall cockily

"The reception, I'm new I need a timetable"
I said nervously

"You seem nervous love, are you ok?"
He got closer, so close I could smell him again. Oh god this made me more nervous

"I-I'm ok, I just need to find my way around"
I said taking deep breaths

"You seem very stressed"
He put his hands on my arms and came even close
"Just take a deep breath, in and out love"

His sweet attempt to calm me down simply made me more flustered and nervous

"This breathing isn't helping is it?"
He giggled and took his hands away from my arms
"do I make you nervous?"
He asked smirking

"What, no"
I said quickly

"Are you sure?"
He lent down and brought his face close to mine, he hovered over it and whispered in my ear
"Are you sure sugar?"

I squeaked out, my face was heavily flushed and I was even more nervous than before

He quickly moved away, and spoke softly

"I'll walk you to reception"
He took me by the wrist and began to lead me to reception

"I could've gone by myself"
I said quietly

"Don't be silly, you would've gotten lost"
He said patronisingly

I was surprised he heard it,

"Oh and by the way"
He added
"You're blushing"

Thanks for reading love

Chapter 3 coming soon.....

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