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'no reception'

my heart was pounding and i looked at my arm to see Florence still had the same tight remaining grip

she glared back at me and shot me a sinister grin

"almost there now!"
her tone was freakishly happy

i felt trapped, i prepared myself for the worse and just prayed something would happen to stop whatever was about to come. i would've attempted to move but i was frozen, paralysed with fear

Florence took a sharp turn on our unknown trek into, some woods. we walked until Florence found a patch of secluded ground. she let go of my arm and pushed me to the ground

She breathed in deeply and looked in my eyes, not breaking her gaze once

She walked closer and closer to me as i attempted to scurry back until i hit a tree.

She kicked me in my stomach, twice and with great force. i let out a many groans and wails, praying just hoping someone would hear me but no

"why are you doing this to me?"
i asked through my shaking voice and sobs

"Because you need to fucking die!"
she screamed loudly
"It was all fine before you came along, you've fucked up everything for me"

"but what did i do?"
i screeched desperately seeking closure before my potential death

she was insane, screaming, crying, wailing, her eyes bulging out her head

"what are you talking about?!"
i wailed

she punched my face causing my nose to bleed

"you are going to be one of them and i can't have that!"
she said her tone noticeably quieter then before, which scared me

"but why"
i cried
"who does this mean i have to d- die"

"Because, I HAVE TO DO THIS"
she said seriously jogging backwards and drawing a knife from her pocket

i screamed

she squealed as she ran at me full speed, i closed my eyes tightly as i heard-


i opened my eyes to see Florence's dead, drained corpse on the floor, utterly lifeless and completely still.

a girl with short black hair and fair skin with some freckles dusted across her nose and cheeks approached me whilst wiping blood from her mouth with her sleeve

i looked up, my eyes wide in dis-belief

"come on let's get you home"
she said casually

"who are you?"
i stuttered

"and old friend of Gerard's, i could smell him on you and thought it was him. But then i spied you were in danger so i stepped in, happy to help exterminate a undercover vampire hunter"
she said helping me up

"vampire hunter, but florence was-"

"a vampire? no no no, she is simply disgusted as one. i was coming this way to warn frank and Gerard and the others but seems as though it's been taken care of"
she said as we walked out of the woods

"but frank turned her and how did you know"
i asked in utter shock, so much had happened

"these advanced hunters can take out the blood from there bodies, like a reverse vampire process and i knew because Florence was very famous for her ways of capture and promiscuous ways, she pretends to fall in love and then kills them"
She said all to casually

i stood there overwhelmed by everything

"i know it's a lot but, you'll be ok"
she said putting an arm round me

"why are you being so nice to me?"
i asked confused

"any friend or lover of Gerard or the boys is a friend of mine!"
she said cheerfully

"hey i never got your name!"
i said

"it's grace, grace walker! and you are?"
she said sweetly

"y/n, Y/L/N"
i replied

"lovely name!"
she smiled warmly as she opened the doors to her truck

"hop in love, i'll take you home"
she said kindly

"thank you"
i replied

we began the drive back to the house as grace began making small talk
"so how do you know the boys?"

"oh school"
i replied,
"how about you?"

"oh me, me and the boys go wayyy back. i used to have a thing with frank but Florence came along so i left town"
she said sadly

"ah i'm sorry"
i said sincerely

"no don't be!, it was a long time ago"
she said looking of into the distance

"maybe you could try again, i mean Florence is out of the picture"
i said trying to cheer her up

"you're right, i just haven't seen them in ages"
she sighed and smiled

"ah i bet they still love you so much"
i said

she smiled warmly and nodded as we continued dry drive

we pulled up outside the way residence and Gerard immediately ran outside and pulled me into a tight hug

"i'm so sorry, i'm so so so fucking sorry i love you so much i'm so glad you're ok i'm sorry"
he cried into my shoulder, i began to cry. the guys came out and gave me a massive group hug as we all ventured inside

we all sat around the couch and Frank asked

"What the fuck happened"

Ray questioned

"and where's the loudmouth"
Mikey added

"Florence is dead"
grace announced as she entered the room

holy fucking shit, this is dramatic as-

more coming soon guys!

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