Charlotte's hogwarts surprise

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Charlotte gets ready at the Potter house as she gets a pleasant surprise: a letter to Hogwarts from McGonagall!! She shows them to her parents Harry and Hermione with joy!! Harry and Hermione hug her in delight. They wish her luck that she'll make many new friends while at Hogwarts.

Harry and Hermione rush Charlotte to Diagon Alley to buy her some school supplies.

Charlotte, Harry and Hermione run into Hagrid, in which Hagrid remembered Harry and Hermione, but now Charlotte.

"Charlotte, this is Hagrid. Hagrid, this is my daughter Charlotte! She'll be in the first year really soon!" Hermione greeted.

5 months later, in September 1st, she, her sister Emma, and her parents drive to King's cross station in London with a snazzy Mercedes SUV. They rush to platform 9 3/4 and Emma ran through the platform with her trunk. Other girls ran to her and instantly recognized her as the Har-Mione Potter.
"Hi! You must be Charlotte! I'm Lily Weasley, Ginny and Neville's daughter. You must be the daughter of Harry and Hermione!!"
Charlotte and Lily walk into the platform with their trunks and find a compartment containing two other girls.
"We're Rose Malfoy and Millie Macmillan. Come sit with us, what are your names?"
"Lily Weasley and Charlotte Potter."
The girls ride the train together unknowing of their future.
As soon as they arrive into Hogwarts, they find some boys for partners. The pairs walk into the great hall together for the sorting ceremony.
McGonagall calls each student's name one by one and the sorting hat randomly sorts a student to a house.
"Dumbledore, Albert!"

"Finnigan, Andrew!"

"Thomas, Owen!!"

"Kline, Sally!"

"Black, Sirius IV!"

"Lovegood, Ryan!"

"Macmillan, Millie!"

"Malfoy, Rose!"

"Moon, Michael!"

"Perks, Dylan!"

Then finally, the sorting hat called my name. After a few minutes, it yelled,


Charlotte ran to the Ravenclaw table to see that she is not in the same house as her sister, Emma, as she is a Gryffindor.

Lily hums as she walks into the Ravenclaw table.

"Hey, you're in Ravenclaw too?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah. Too bad Rose is not. She got sorted into Gryffindor." Millie replies.

"At least you have attractive Andrew Finnigan." Lily winks. "We could become a quatrain!!"

"Looks like Owen got sorted into Gryffindor. Oh, he got Rose already!"

"He already likes her." Charlotte responded.

McGonagall calls all their houses to lead their newly housed students into their common rooms.

Charlotte Potter and The Reunion of the Muggle and Wizarding WorldWhere stories live. Discover now