A Magical Epilogue to this story

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Fast-forward to June, Charlotte, Emma and Luca are well too excited for summer.

Apparently, Luca had muggle school as there was no wizarding school for up to like, 6th year, which translates to first year for wizards.

Charlotte guesses, that he graduated muggle elementary school and is excited to meet his future wizard and witch friends, but he will miss his friends from school. Unless some of his friends from school turned out to be wizards and witches who want education earlier.

So excited for the summer with her just-as-magical friends from the neighborhood. They're so worth it, she only see them for a few weeks a year. She wished could see them more often.

Charlotte's friends come out from nowhere. They're happy to see me again once and for all times in life. She's overjoyed to see them as I don't get to see them for a year.

"Char! It's so nice to see you again!"

"I missed you so much, Sana. Missed you too, Mina."

She saw that the world around her has accepted each other for their existence. She's happy for that discovery. Hermione's happy, Harry's happy, her brother and sister are happy. The world finally calmed down.

She's sure it was a good decision anyway, as we would get to know each other much better in a positive way.

Also, everything she says about my mom's younger days, she told her herself.

They just need to know this themselves, as they finally see it.

Maybe soon everyone can see how much good is in with so much diversity.

But let's think about it, the summer gives a lot of time to recover from all the chaos. It's all good for them. Believe me.

Another things happens to be a go; Emma's birthday!
For her birthday, we invite her friends over to celebrate!

She picks the restaurant she goes to, then we eat there and have cake at home. What a great birthday.

She is 16 now, and she's sure she had a Sweet Sixteen that felt very much fun.

Stay tuned for a sequel to this story, it will get released soon.* When it gets released, you can read that after this book.

*P.S. the sequel may not come into fruition as expected. 

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