The Coming Weekend

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This weekend, Harry, Hermione, and Luna meet at the Leaky Cauldron to have some butterbeer.

Shortly after, Ron, Ginny, Neville and Lavender walk in, not knowing that Harry, Hermione and Luna came in.

"Ron?!?!" Harry shouted.

Hermione followed him, exclaiming, "Ginny? LAVENDER?!?! Neville?"

"I thought she was dead?!?!"

"Well, she's not."

They spend time in the pub together and the Golden Trio reconciled for the first time in 16 years.

"Ron, Harry, we're back together! Lavender, can you take a picture of us? Ginny and Luna are in our photo too."

Lavender snaps a photo with Hermione's shiny new Sierra Blue iPhone 13 Pro Max as Ron widens his eyes.

"MIONE???" Ron squealed.

"Yah?" Hermione responded.

"I didn't know you had the latest iPhone."

"So? Is it because you're stuck with an iPhone 8?"

"How'd you KNOW THAT??"

"Ginny told me so."

"Baby GINGIN?!?!?!"

Lavender shouted, "She's not a baby, RON-RON!!"

Ginny protested, "Yeah, Lav is right! I'm only a year younger than you by the way."

Luna murmured, "Stop arguing, Ron, Ginny and Lavender please. Harry and Hermione need to spend their time together."

They all agreed, "Ok."

"Also, Harry, I'm so sorry I took so long to respond to your ideas. It took me 8 years to do yours, as I had to do at least 10,000 others that came earlier. Daily Prophet was taken down after Hermione became Minister. She only allowed the Quibbler to be the Wizarding Newspaper of Britain."

"It's ok. My ambitious son decided to use my owl."

"Our children aren't here because they're at Hogwarts silly!"

They all had a fun time together at the Leaky Cauldron until eventually they left Diagon Alley to explore Muggle London. They weren't very noticeable, as they dressed just as if any muggle could. They unsuspectingly met a group of kids who immediately recognized them as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Lavender.

"How are you, Harry?" one little girl asked.

"Hi there. What's your name?"

"My name is Allie. My friends here are Alex, Andrew, and Nataly."

Alex responded, "We're visiting London with our parents for a friends-and-family trip."


Still, it was weird for them to be seeing some fans.

Back when they were children, they were seen as just some regular old Londoners. Although back then, they never lived in London, but rather visited it.

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