Charlotte's 1st Night at Hogwarts

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"Hi everyone," the Ravenclaw prefect called out, "my name is Marie Goldstein."

The Gryffindors run towards the Ravenclaws

"Emma Potter is the Gryffindor Prefect! Gryffindors run with me!"

"You were a prefect, Emma? I didn't know." Charlotte replied.

"How did you not know? I told my friends back home and everything. I even told grandma!"

The Ravenclaws run in almost the same path as the Gryffindors until they take a left that uses a staircase that leads to their tower.

Emma unlocks the portrait door with a little wand magic that only Ravenclaws know.

The Ravenclaws adore the vast beauty and views from the tower. The girls run up their staircases and the boys try to go up the same one, except they slide down.

"No, boys." Moira shouted. "Your dormitory is accessible from the other staircase!"

Lily secretly climbs up the boys' dormitory staircase. A third-year boy finds her climbing it.

"Hey Marie, how come girls get to climb our staircase?" he whines.

"Fine! I'll put that magic there too! To prevent girls from climbing up that."

"That's better and fair! At least girls won't mess our beds."

Andrew Finnigan says, "That's Quinn Quirrell. He is the great nephew of Quirinus Quirrell."

"Quirinus Quirrell? Isn't he the old Ravenclaw Defense Against the Arts professor?"

"Yes! That's right! What's your name, by the way?"

Me and Millie shiver in happiness.

"We're Charlotte and Millie. We just got sorted into this house."

"Cool, I just got sorted here too! Quinn Quirrell is umm.... my brother's friend. His name is Harry!"

"Hey, that's my dad's name!" Charlotte cheers.

"Very cool!!" Harry Finnigan comes out of his dormitory with glee.

"Hmph. Harry went to Andrew!! That's gross."

"They're siblings, so that's that."

"Hey, where's Lily?" she wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe she went to the dorm?" Millie answered.

"Maybe. Possibly even snuck into the boys' dorm."

"But we can't even get up there!"

"Lily!! Come down here now!!" she and Millie screamed.

Lily slid down the boys' dorm staircase with confusion.

"Hey! I didn't feel this stupid enchantment when I went up this thing!!"

"It was Quinn Quirrell, the Ravenclaw complainer!"

"Get to bed but first, brush your teeth and change into your pajamas!!" Marie sings.

The students opened their trunks and rushed to the dormitories. Marie went away to her own master bedroom, which was considering that she had to share a giant bed with the male prefect and the head boy and girl, which she was uncomfortable with.

Charlotte Potter and The Reunion of the Muggle and Wizarding WorldWhere stories live. Discover now