Chapter Seven: Lies, Love and Forgiveness

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          Chapter dedicated to Keli22 By: Jojo and Kiki

   ChapterSix: Lies, Forgiveness and Love

I shook Dustin angrily trying to wake him up.

"Dustin!!" I screamed

"What the hell do you want? Why the fuck would you bother me so late??" He spat

"I want to know what the hell is this!" I demanded as I showed him the screenshots of Britney's posts.

"Damn! I don't-" I butted in

"I know.... You don't know anything about that don't you?" I said angrily

"No! Because I don't!!" He said while he snatched my arm and held it tight and it felt like the circulation was being cut off.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I shove his arm off mine.

"How could you do this to me i trusted you and you betrayed me. Well that's what I get for trusting the bad boy!" I bursted out in tears as i said the words.

" Jaylenne shut the hell up for a second! I didn't tell Britney anything she's just jealous that I like you more than i like her" He said with what seemed to be true sympathy.

"You know what bye!" I went outside and walked to the nearest bus stop

I went to sleep and Taylor woke me up.

He carried me to his house and we went in his room. He placed his lips on mine and we started kissing.

I pulled back.

"What's wrong?" He asked while licking his lips.

"We can't do this, We aren't dating" I said

"Of course we are! We were always dating Princess" he said as he leaned in.

I pulled back farther.

"What now?" He asked a bit annoyed.

"I don't wanna kiss anymore, I wanna sleep" I said.

He lied down beside me and we cuddled for a while but I fell asleep while Taylor was watching Titanic.


Next morning I woke up early and made myself a sandwich and carried it in my hand along with a cup if coffee to the park a little down the road from Taylor's house.

I unwrapped my sandwich and felt someone breathing on me and then I looked up and saw...

My dad!

"Nice to see you here eh?" He said

"Yea," I mumbled

"Now Jaylenne listen to me! And listen to me carefully! You're coming home with me right now! And when we go home you are going to tell me all that you have done!" He exclaimed.

He dragged me into his car and we sat down. Soon enough, we were in my garage. I hurriedly ran out to see my mom cooking stew.

"Ooo what's that?" My mom said pointing to my neck

"My neck" I said in a duh tone.

"No, I mean that red blochy thing"

"Just a rash" I said shrugging it off

"No, that's a hicky"

.she showed me one on her neck too

"Dad gave you that?" I exclaimed

"Yea" she said more like a question.

My dad stepped in.

"Why?" He said plainly as he grabbed a chair to sit on.

"Dad, it's because of what you said"

"Jaylenne, you know I didn't mean that"

I ran in to hug him

"Dad I missed you" I said

He patted my back and allowed me to go.

"Your brother is home" I heard my mom shout from the kitchen

I ran back downstairs.

"Dad, could you carry me to a friend's house to pick up my stuff?" I asked my dad

"Sure, but I'm too tired to drive"

"You can use my car" my mom said while tossing the keys to me.

I caught them and went in my mom's car.

I drove to Taylor's house and knocked on his door. He rushed to the door in boxers only. He looked sad but his expression quickly changed when he saw me.

"Hey Princess", he said while holding my waist.

"Hey,can I go get my stuff?" I asked.

He allowed me to get them but he was right behind me and he then closed his bedroom door.

He pushed me against the wall and grabbed my ass and placed his lips on mine. He was in control of the kiss. He started licking my bottom lip for entrance but I refused and then he bit my bottom lip which forced me to open my mouth and he took the opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth.

I let out a few moans as I braced his chest with the palms of my hands.

He pulled away.

"Sorry, I got caught up in the moment" i

He apologized.

"It's ok" I said.

I took my things and left.

I drove and parked in Dustin's driveway. He was having a party.

I stepped in and  I'm Sexy And I Know It stopped playing and everyone crowded me in a circle. Elizabeth was making her way over and Britney stepped in front of me.

"Well, if it isn't Lil' Miss Preacher's Daughter?" She said while walking around me.

"Get away from her!" I heard Elizabeth yell

"Hush!" Exclaimed Britney. She turned back to me "I thought you were innocent! That you'd lose your virginity with your husband not Dustin! I know you slept with him! But anywhoo I'll really love to thank security cameras and Dustin and his familiar cock" she left and the music started playing again.

I walked out and went straight home.

I ran in my bed and saw 7 text message from Dustin:

D: Hey Jaylenne!

D: I know you're upset right now.

D: But I'll explain

D: Britney hacked in the security footage at my house and saw us sleeping and told the whole school you aren't a Virgin anymore

D: I hope you Believe me

D: but remember I still love you


I forgive Dustin but he shouldn't have snapped. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow

What do you think of this chapter???

What do you think about Taylor???

There's a pic of him to the side!

Next chapter is a mystery for me soooo....

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Krissy and Jojo love you

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