Chapter 7: Switches P.O.V

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AN/ Sorry about that picture. It's not related to Divergent, but it reminds me of my best friend since birth who also loves Divergent. Well enjoy! :)
---- Tris's P.O.V ----

Tobias and I grab our food and start climbing up the Farris Wheel.

"Hey! Where are you guys going?" Zeke shouts. Christina slaps him across the face. Zeke then mouths a "oh" then continues to eat. What? Do they know something I don't?

"Hey Tris. Let's go." Tobias says.

"Okay." We start climbing up and when we get to the platform we start eating. I see Tobias put something in our cake but I don't know what.

"What was that?" I ask.


"What you put in the cake. What was that?"

"Oh. Nothing." We continue to eat then I see everyone glancing up at us. I am so confused. What do they know that I don't?

"You want some cake?" Tobias asks.

"Duh." I grab the slice Tobias hands me and when I bite down I feel something hard.

---- Christina's P.O.V ----

When Tris and Four get up to the platform I start squealing and jumping up and down.

"Okay I'm still not clear on why you slapped me. I just said 'oh' so you wouldn't slap me again." Zeke says.

"You don't know?" Marlene asks. Zeke shakes his head and so does Uriah.

"Dumb and Dumber." I say pointing to each one of them, "I'm just not sure which is which."

"Ouch. So what do you guys know that we don't?" Uriah says.

"Wait for them to come down then we'll tell you." Will says. We all glance up there to see of something happened. Nope. Damn it.

"Can we continue our game?" Lynn asks.

"Sure. My turn since I just had to do a double backflip off the train." Shauna says, "So, Lynn, my dear sister, Candor or Dauntless?"


"I dare you to go back to Dauntless and set up a HUGE party that for what's gonna happen up there." Shauna says while pointing up to Four and Tris.

"Done." Lynn gets up and runs to the compound. Not the tracks, but the compound. Train would get here too late.

"Did she just get excited over planning a party?" Zeke asks.

"She's just excited because her new boyfriend gets to help her." Marlene replies. (AN/ I am aware of what Lynn says at the end of Insurgent, but I like seeing her with a boyfriend better. Don't hate.)

"So what's happening to Fourtris?" Uriah asks. We all look at him like he has three heads. "What? Can't I give my best friends a ship name?"

"You fangirl?" I ask laughing.

"Yes, and I'm proud!" We all burst out laughing.

---- Uriah's P.O.V ----

Why won't they tell me what's going on? I can't wait fourever! (AN/ :) See what I did there?) I need to know. And since when did Lynn get a boyfriend? I need to get with it. Right after Candor or Dauntless.

"Alright. Now if you done laughing at my fangirling, I would like to get back to the game."

"Okay." Shauna says while still laughing.

"I'll go." I say, "Christina. C or D?"


"I dare you to dress up in a penguin suit and dance I it at this party we're going to after this."

"Do I have to wear it the whole time?"

"Nope. Just dance in it for a few songs."

She sighs, "Alright." Then Tris and Four come running back smiling.


Yay! Chapter 7 done! Did you guys like the switching P.O.V? Or should I just keep it one P.O.V per chapter? I needed to do switching for this chapter because I'm still brainstorming for something really important. I might update tomorrow because it's 4/6 but you never know. I'm on spring break so I will have no time to update, unless it's midnight. I know usually people on spring break update all the time, but I gotta do my science project and I'm going camping on Thursday until Saturday or Sunday. I'm not sure. Comment!! Vote if you want! Happy Easter if you celebrate! Stay Divergent my friends.

- Lexie

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