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At Nigam Residence

Sm1 - Beta Don't know Why both haven't Come home Yet And It's 8:00 Pm Now.I Am Very Tensed Beta.

Sm2 - Mom Don't Worry Dad And Bhai Will Come Soon.They Will Have Some Urgent Work Na .
(No More Suspance Sm1 Is Vibha Aunty And Sm2 Is Vaishu)

At 8:30 Pm Something Someone Ranged The Bell And Vaishu Opene It .She Saw The Person.

Vaish - Where Were You 😏 You Know How long We Were Waiting For You ? And Mom Is Very Tensed.
(No More Suspance Someone Is Siddharth Nigam)

Sidd- Sorry Bhabhi......Bhabhi Nahi Sorry Didi (Holding Ears With His Hands). Actually I Went For a Bike Ride With My Friends So I was late.It Will Never Happen Again . And Sorry My Sweet Mummy.
Vibha Aunty Turned Her Back And Not Said Anything.Sidd Went To His Mother And Got Down On his knees.

Sidd- I Know Mummy Because Me You Are Tensed But I Will Never Come Again Late (Holding Ears With His Hands)
Vibha Aunty Turned To Sidd And Hugged Him.

VA- Ok This Time i Have Forgiven You But Next Time I Will Not.
Suddenly They Heared A Voice

Sm1- Wah Wah Mother and Son are like This. Little Son is Being Hugged and Or One of Us To Whom No one Gives Any Attention😒.
Vaish Gave Death Glare To Him .(No More Pagalpanti Sm1 Is Abhi).

Abhi - Abb....bbb.....Be Nothing What is Going On Between Mother And Son.

Vaish(Angrily)- Can't See What Is Going On .Mother And Son Hugging Each Other Or Kya.

Abhi- Bbbb.....Byi.....Mummy... Byi Sidd. I Have Some Work So I'm Going In My Room.
Sidd And Vibha Aunty Laughed.

Suddenly Door Opend And They Saw It's Sidd's Father.

Vibha - How Many Times Have I Told You That don't Come So late but You Are Not listening To Me.

Aman- Sorry Sorry .........Piece of My Moon

Sidd And Vaish - Sorry Mom And Dad You Both Continue We Are Coming Back In Some Time .
And Sidd And Vaish Left From There.

Aman- Abb...bbb I Have A Good News For Us(Changing The Topic).

VA- Or What Is The Good News ?🤨

He Told Everything And She Become Happy.

Because Of Happy News She Forget Everything.
Aman(In Mind)- Finally I Survived Today.

Aman- Now When Are You Talking To Siddharth About This.

VA- Tomorrow Morning I Will Talk To Sidd About This.
Go And Get Fresh Dinner 🍽️ Is Ready.

VA- Sidd,Abhi And Vaishu Come Down Dinner Is Ready.

All Said - Ohk Mom ....

They Went Downstairs And All Did Dinner And Slept.....

At Night 12:00 AM At Nandra House..........

To Be Continued...........

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