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Sidd Went Towards The Door And Closed It .Then He Went Bed And Leid Down .

Sidd - How Was Your Pain ?

Avu - Now It's Fine

Sidd - Btw What Did You And VaishuDi Talk About .

Avu (While Blushing) - Umm Vo Vaish Di Got To Know About Last Night .

Sidd - *Cunfused 😕* About Last Night Mean .

Avu (Blushing) - Umm Vo Last Night We Made Love Na So Vaish Di Got To Know About

Sidd (Shocked) - What The Fuck ? I Mean How Vaish Di Got To Know About Last Night

Then Avu Narrated Everything To Sidd How Vaish Di Got To Know About Last Night .

Sidd - Umm Yeah But Abhi Bhai Also Got To Know About Thet

Avu - How ?

Sidd Hited Her Forehead By Hand And Said

Sidd - It's Normal Na Dumbo If Either Of The Two Comes To Know About Something, Then They Share The Matter With Each Other.

Sidd (Smirking ) - Btw Last Night Is One The Best Night For Me 😉 It's Also Yours Best Na

Avu Gaved Him *Like Seriously* Wala Look .

Avu - Really You Are Shameless Creature *Pervert Kahi Ka * She Murmured

Sidd - Did You Say Something ?

Avu - Nahi To, I Didn't Say Anything . You Have Got Some Misunderstanding .

Sidd - * Oh * Wala Look

Then Avu Got Up From The Bed And About Leave Then Sidd Said

Sidd - Where Are You Going ? Sit Na I Wanna Talk With My Wifey (Making Puppy Face )

Avu Gaved Him * Awe 😗* Wala Look  And Said

Avu (While Pulling His Cheek) - You Are Such A Cute Bandar ,Only Mine Bandar

Umm Don't Worry I'm Coming Wo We Forget  Our Accessories Na So I'm Going To Collect Them

Sidd - Oh ,Ohk Go And Come Fast

Avu - Ohk Baba (She Said In Baby Voice)

Then She Left From There . After Sometime She Comes Back . Sidd Scrolling His Phone Then Sidd's Eyes Fall On Her .

Sidd - Are Sit Na Why Are Standing There

Then She Moved And Sat On Bed Beside Sidd . After That Sidd Moved Towards Avu And Placed His Head On Avu's lap And Said

Sidd - Now That's Better , Beacuse This Is The Best Place To Lay My Head .

Avu - Really !

Sidd - Yeap

She Chuckled On His Cuteness .Then She Started Caressing His Hairs . Sidd Closed His Eyes For Feeling Her Touch . After Some Time Sidd Opened His Eyes And Saw His Beautiful Wife Is Staring Him . Then Sidd Said

Sidd - Why Are You Staring Me Like This ?

Avu - Why Can't I Stare At My Husband (She Said Lovingly)

(I Don't know Why But I'm Writing Their Cute Scenes 😌😌 Sidneet Is Love💛 Hai Na )

Sidd - Umm Nothing Like That , But You Are Staring At Me As If You Are looking At Me For The First Time .

Avu - Well Yes Cause Whenever I See You It's Like I'm Seeing You For The First Time .(She Said While Caressing His Hair Lovingly)

Avu - Sidd I'm Getting Bored (She Said Making Pout )

Sidd Pecked Her Pout And Said

Sidd - Yeap Me Izz Also Getting Bored (He Said While Yawning )

Avu (With Cute Face) - Then What Will We Do Because If We Keep Sitting like This,Then We Will Get More Bored .

Sidd - Umm 🤔 I Have A Idea ,Let's Go Somewhere Tonight .

Avu (With Pout) - But What Shall We Do Now ?

Sidd - Let's Watch A Movie

Avu - Yeap Me Izz Ready (She Said In Baby Voice)

Then Sidd Took His Laptop From Besides Table And Said

Sidd - Which Genre ?

Avu - Let's Watch Horror Movie

Sidd - No , Only Romantic Yea Action Movie

Then Avu Made Puppy Face And Said

Avu (Puppy Face) - Please Na Siddo Horror Movie

Offcourse Our Sidd Melted In Just Seconds .

Then They Both Sat And Placed The Laptop Infront . Sidd Played A Horror Movie Which Name Is "1920 London" . They Started Watching The Movie .

After 1 Hour Half The Movie Was Over . Then Avu Saw That Sidd Already Slept So Thought To Watch . She Leid Down Sidd Beside Her Then She Kissed On His Forehead . He Smiled In His Beauty Sleep .

Suddenly A Scene Comes There In Movie Avni Saw The Girl Ghost Started Sucking Blood From The Another body . Then Avni Murmured

Avu (Murmured To Herself) - How Can Be Someone So Cruel , Like Seriously The Girl Ghost Started Sucking Blood From Body Eww 🤢.

Then Suddenly Avni Saw In The Movie That All Light Got Off . "Now What Happened" She Thought . Then Suddenly A Girl Ghost Comes In Long Size On Laptop Screen And Screamed Loudly . Avu Got Scared And Closed The Laptop Silently .

After That She Placed His Laptop On Besides Table . After Sometime She Leid Down Beside Her Hubby And Tightly Hugged Him From Back Like Her Life Depends On Him .

Avu (Whispered Slowly) - I Love You Siddharth More Then My Self

Then She Fell Asleep After A While .

To Be Continued.....

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