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Everyone Went In Their Respective Rooms

In Sidneet Room

They Sitting On Bed Suddenly Something Striked In Sidd's Khurafati Dimag. Sidd Started Moving Closer To Her That Unnoticed By Avu Because She Is Busy In Her Phone .

After A Moment Sidd Reached So Close To Her . Because Of This She Feel Someone Us Very Close To Her So She Looked Up And Saw Sidd's Is Very Close So She Got Cunfused So She Said

Avu (Cunfused 😕) - What Happened ?

Sidd - Nothing (Innocentaly)

Avu - Then What Are You Doing ?

Sidd - Nothing

Avu - Then Huh 🤨🤨🤨

Sidd Just Smirked 😏 And She Got More Cunfused

Avu (Narrowing Her Eyebrows) -Now Will You Tell Me Why Are You Smirking 🤨

Sidd Didn't Said Anything But His Smirk Grew More

Avu Now Got Irritated And Said

Avu (Irritated) - Will You Tell Why Are You Smirking Else I Will RIP Yours This Bloody Smirk .

Now Sidd Got Scared So He Said

Sidd (While Smirking) - Ummm....

Now Avu Got More Irritated So She Directly Punched Sidd's Nose ,Siddharth Groaned in Pain And He Placed His Palm On His Nose And Said

Sidd (In Pain) - Ahh.Ahh. 😫😫 Baby Why Did You Do This .

Avu - Because I Got Irritated For How long I Was Speaking That Why Are You Smirking, But Then Why did Not You Tell.

Sidd - Ha Ab Woh Sidd Held His Ears By His Hand And Said "Sorry Na Baby I Will Not Do That Again Plzzz (He Said Making World's Cutest Face) Forgive Me .

Avu (In Mind) - Who is There In The World Who Will Not Melt On Seeing This Cute Face.

Avu - Ohk This Time I'm  Forgiving You But Not Next Time .

Sidd - *Sidd Bowed His Head And Said* As Your Command My Queen 😉 (And Sidd Winked At Her )

Avu - That's Better

Sidd (Smirking) - Umm 🤔 Btw You Forgetting Something

Avu Got Cunfused 🤔

Avu - I'm Not Remembering Anything Now Tell Me What I'm Forgetting ?

Sidd Smirk Grew More And He Said

Sidd (Smirking) - Some Time Ago When I Said To Someone About Baby Process Then Someone Said To Me Not Now So ...........

Avu (Rising Her Eyebrows) - So 🤨

Sidd - Let's Start Progress Now And You Know Na It Is Always Amazing (While Smirking).

Avu - But I'm Not Ready For Baby Now

Sidd - It's Ohk But Atleast We Can Makeout Yaar It's Amazing Thing 😏

Avu - Huh 🤨 And Yeah I'm Not In Mood So I'm Going On Terrace .

(Sidd Mood Be Like --😞😞😞)

Sidd - Then What Will I Do Here Without You ,Me also Coming .

Avu - Ohk But Go And Change

Sidd - Ohk

After Some Time Both Changed And Went On Terrace .

They Saw Cold Wind Is Blowing Slowly Slowly . The Started Feeling The Cold Wind On Their Faces .

Avneet Closed Her Eyes And Spread Her Hands ,And Sidd Just Admiring Her . After Some Time Avu Opened Her Eyes And Saw Sidd Is Staring Her . She Started Moving Towards Him But Sidd Didn't Move He Is Continuously Staring At Her .

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