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Sidneet Still Sleeping Hugging Tightly Eachother Like There Are No Tomorrow . Avu's Is Wrapping Around Sidd's Waist And Sidd's Hand Wrapping Around Avu'S Waist .

Suddenly Door Opened Revealing Vaishu . She Saw Them Still Sleeping And She Hit Her Head In Disbelief And Said

Vaish (To Herself ) - Oh God What Shall I Do With These Two? Both Are Sleeping As if It Has been 1 Year Since The last Time They Slept.

Vaish Went Towards Sidneet And Woke Them Up . But They Didn't Moved A Inch .

Vaish (Shouted) - Sleepy Head..... Sleepy Head.......Wake Up

Sidd (In Sleep) - Avu Why Are You Shouting Yaar let Me More sleep You Know Na I'm Very Tired .

Vaish Hit Her Head Again In Disbelief  And Said To Herself

Vaish - Accha Bacchu, Meaning That Even While Sleeping, Love Guru is Missing His Wife Sahiba. I know Very Well How To Wake You Up . Just Wait And Watch "Mr. JORU KE GULAM"

Vaish Went Near Sidd's Ear And Said Loudly

Vaish (Loudly) - Siddharth Your Avu Is Running Away With Her Boyfriend,Stop Her If You Can.

Hearing These Lines Sidd Woke Up With Jerk And Shouted Without Looking Beside Him

Sidd (Shouted) - No This Can't Happen In My Wildest Dream No Avni, You Cannot leave Me Alone like This. Avu Is Only Mine Not Anyone's .

And There Our Dear Vaishu Is Controlling Her Laugh But She Didn't Said Anything .

Hearing Sidd's Voice Avu Woke Up And Said To Sidd In Sleepy Voice

Avu (Sleepy Voice) - What Happened To You Sidd ,Why Are You Shouting And do You Have a Plan To Spoil My Ears .

Hearing Avu'S Soulfull Voice Sidd Turned Right And Saw His Beautiful Wife Is Rubbing Her Eyes Like A 5 Year Old Kid .

Avu (Still In Little Bit Sleepy Voice) - Are What Happened To You Suddenly And Why Are You Shouting .

Sidd Didn't Said Anything To Her But He Hugged Her Tightly Like ,She Would Go Far Away From Him.

Avu Also Hugged Sidd Back And Said

Avu - Sidd What Happened To You Suddenly ?

Sidd (Still Hugging Her) - You Will Never Leave Me.p

Avu (Rubbing His Back) - Ha Baba I Will Never Leave You Happy

Sidd - Yeah

Now Vaish Couldn't Cantrol Herself And Started Laughing And Said

Vaish (While Laughing ) - Oh God How Scared You Were As if Avni Would Go Away From You .Like Seriously How Much

Both Turned And Saw Vaish Is Laughing ,Then Avu Said

Avu - Bhabhi I Mean Didu Aap Yaha .

Vaish - Oh God Sidd Like Seriously You Thought Avni Leaving You (While Laughing)

Sidd Didn't Said Anything But Avu Said

Avu 😕- Are Now Someone Will Tell Me What is Happening Here .

Vaish - (To Sidd) Sidd Tell Avu

Sidd (With Grumpy Face) - What Will I Tell You tell Na, You Have Done All This .

Vaish - Ohk My Brother I'm Telling
Then Vaish Narrated Everything To Avu .

Now Both Started Laughing Very Badlyyyyy While Sidd Sitting Making Grumpy Face .

Avu (While Laughing) - Oh God Sidd How Can You Think That I Will Leave You

Now Sidd Got Irritated Because They Are Countinuesly Laughing So Sidd Said

Sidd (Irritated) - Stop It I'm Got Irritated

They Both Stoped Laughing And Said

Vaish - What Happened ?

Suddenly Avu Remembered Something And Said

Avu - Btw Didu Why Are You Here I Mean....(Before She Could Complete Vaish Cut in Between And Said)

Vaish - How Can I Forgot ? Actually See The Time

Avu Saw The Time And Shocked

Avu - What 😳 It's Already 7 Pm

Sidd - What 😲

Vaish - Yeah That's Why I Comes To Wokeup You But Both Of You Were living in Your own World .

Sidneet - Sorry !

Vaish - It's Ohk Now Comes Downstairs Everyone Is Waiting For Both Of You .

Sidneet - Aap Ka Hukam Sar Aankon Par JanPanah

Vaish - Keep living My Disciples (Sarcastically)

Sidneet - Ji Maate 🙏

Vaish - Ohk Now I'm Going Come Fast And Don't Start Your Dirty Romancing Now .

Sidneet - Ohk (Sidneet Said Like Obedient Child)

Vaish Left From There

Sidd - Vaish Didi Is Great Na I Really Like Her

Avu Glared At Sidd And Sidd Galfed In Fear And Said

Sidd - I Mean As My Sister

Avu - That's Better ,Btw Yeah She Is Very Kind ,Humble, Supportive And Beautiful Also .

Sidd - So Now, What Will We Do

Avu - Will Have Children Or Kya 🙄

Sidd(Smirking) - As You Wish Then Let's Start The Progress Now .

Avu's Eyes Widened

Avu - Huh 🤨🤨🤨

Sidd - Yeah 😌 Sidd Started Coming Closer Her But Before Sidd Catch Her She Run In Washroom And Said

Avu - Losser 👎🏻

After Some Time Avu Got Fresh And Changed Her Dress And Comes Out

Sidd Going To Catch Her But She Said

Avu - Not Now Go And You Also Change

Sidd - Ohk

After Some Time Sidd Also Changed .After That Both Went Downstairs . Sidneet Saw All Are Waiting .

They Went Towards Them And Wished Good Evening . After That They Did Some Chit Chat .

After Some Time Vaish And Avu Made The Dinner And Served Them . After That All Had Their Dinner Then Everyone Went To Their Respective Rooms .

To Be Continued.......

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