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Finally 🥳🥳 It's Half Century 🥳🥳

Next Morning

At 5 Am

Avu Wokeup Due To Alarm . She Turned Of The Alarm . Then Her Eyes Fall On Sidd . She Saw He Is Hugging Her Tightly ,She Smiled Seeing Him Sleeping Peacefully . After That She Went In Washroom And Did Her Chores .

Later She Cames Out While Wearing The Bathrobe .

Then She Went Towards Dressing Table And Started Combining Hairs . After Some Time She Finished And About To Go Towards Wardrobe Who Is Next To the bed But She Pulled By Someone And Landed On Him

(Offcourse Lol 🤣🤣 Someone Is One And Only Our Hero )

Avu - What Is This ?

Sidd - It's Called Romance Babe

Avu - Whatever 🙄

Sidd - Where Is My Morning Kiss ?(He Said While Rising His Eyebrows)

Avu - Who Knows ?

Sidd - Only You ,Me And Your These Plumpy Lips Knows (He Said Making Pout )

Without Realising Avu Pecked His Pout ,He Got Shocked But Smirked At Her . Then Realty Hits Her And She Broked The Pout .She Was About To Got Up But Sidd Again Pulled Her And Said

Sidd - Don't Be Smart Babygirl Or Else .....(He Said While Smirking)

Avu - Or Else.....(She Asked While Rising Her Eyebrows )

Sidd - Or Else the Consequences Will be Very bad Babe Uff Sorry Wifey 😉😉

Avu - Let's See

Sidd - Umm Ohkk So Look Into My Eyes

Avu - Why

Sidd - Atleast Look Yaar

Avu - Fine

Then They Both Looked In Each Other Eyes And Avu Lost In His Eyes But Sidd Didn't Because He had A Some Other Plans .

Slowly Sidd's Hand Reached Near Her Bathrobe's Knot And He Untie The Knot Of Her bathrobe Without Noticing Her Because She Is lost In his Hezal Brown Eyes.

(Author- Lol 🤣 I Don't Know Guys Why Always Romantic Scenes Comes In My Mind Koi Dawai Do Re Meko 😉😉)

After That Sidd Snapped His Finger And Said

Sidd - Where are You lost Mrs. Nigam ?

Avu - Nowhere

Sidd - Don't Lie To Me Mrs Nigam I Know Very Well Where Are You Lost ?

Avu - If You Knows Then Why Are You Asking To Me ? Huh 🤨🤨🤨

Sidd Didn't Said Anything To Her ,He Just Attached His Lips With Her . She Got Shocked But After Some Time She Kissed Him Back . They Started Smooching Each Other Slowly Slowly But In No Time The Kiss Turned Into Wild And Hungry Kiss .Her Hand Automatically Reached On Her His Hairs . They Were Kissing Like There Is No Tomorrow .

But Now She Is Dominating Him ,So Bite His Lower Lips ,His Lower Lip Started Bleeding But She Was In Dominating Mood So She Slide Her Tongue Inside His Mouth ,And Started Testing Each And Every Part Of His Mouth . After Some Time She Tasted Each And Every Corner Of His Mouth But After Some Time She Noticed That Sidd Started Breathing Heavily So So She Breaked This Kiss .

Then She Cupped His Face And Said

Avu - What Happened Baby Boy ?

Sidd (While Breathing ) - Oh God Suddenly What Happened To You I Didn't Saw This Bold Side Of Your Before .

Avu - Don't You Like My Dominating Side (She Said While Smirking 😏)

Sidd - i Like It, But I Never Thought You Could Have This Side Too .

Avu - But Remember It From Next Time Because I Can Became More Wild (She Said Winking )

Sidd - Ye...ah Yeah I Will Remember It (He Said While Smirking )

She Became Cunfused 😕 That Why He Smirked At Her .

She Was About To Say But Sidd Flipped Their Position .Now He Is Top Of Her

Sidd - Don't You Think You Made A Huge Mistake While Dominating Me (He Said While Smirking)

She Smirked Back And Said

Avu - But I Don't Think I Made A Huge Mistake Because I Know Very Well That You Loved This Side Of Mine (She Said In Seducing Voice)

Sidd - Don't You Think You Are Trying To Seduce Me (He Said While Rising His Eyebrows)

Avu - But I Don't Think So (She Said In Teasing Tune While Wrapping Her hand Around His Neck.)

Sidd - You Are Becoming Naughty Day By Day

Avu - Your Company Has An Effect, Now It Will Make Some Difference, Will it Not?

Sidd - Yeah I Know You Very Well That You Are Becoming Hot And Bold Day By Day

She Was About To Say But Sidd Entered His Hand Inside Her Black Bra And Pressed Her Bre*asts She Gasped .

But Before They Could Do More Bad Things 😜 Someone Knocked The Door . Sidd Immediately Pulled His Hand Back And Said To Avu

Sidd (Whisper) - Go Into Washroom

Avu Went In Washroom . After That Sidd Opened The Door And Saw His Mom Standing There

Sidd - Good Morning Mom

VA - Good Morning Btw Where Is Avu ?

Sidd - Oh She Is Washroom

VA - Oh Wo Where Is Vaish And abhi Because i Didn't Saw Them Here .

Sidd - Actually Mom Late Night Dada And Vaish didi Went On Date So He Said That They Will Come Tomorrow Morning.

VA - Oh Btw Breakfast Is Ready And Come Fast And Tell Avneet Too.

Sidd - Ohk Mom

After That She Left From There And Sidd Closed The Door .

To Be Continued......

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