Chapter 2

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we spent days decorating Graceland and sharing laughter and joy to each of us here at Graceland, but what Elvis really couldn't wait for was his mom to return home from the hospital in Florida. she had been in the hospital down there for almost 6 months recovering from another surgery but the doctors granted us with the news that this would hopefully be the last surgery she had to have due to it being the most successful one yet.

during Elvis's time in Germany I spent hours on planes and trains going between Germany and the states checking on Gladys and Vernon. she had recovered well from each surgery but it still wasn't enough to repair the damage her heart attack in 1958 had done to her, but now she was on the road to recovery and doing better than ever.

"you didn't tell E that his mama and daddy were coming in did ya?" Red asked, Gladys had called me last week and especially asked me not to tell Elvis that she wanted to surprise him. she also wanted to let me know that she and Vernon would be coming on the afternoon train today so I would have to make an excuse to leave Graceland to pick them up without taking Elvis with me.

"not unless you did" I laughed.

"how do you plan on escaping to pick em up, you know E likes to go with you everywhere" he asked

"I'll just get you boys to create a diversion and slip out unnoticed" I winked knowing they would all do it.

"of course you will, " he laughed as we finished up making food and brought it into the dining room. E had given the housekeeper the day off so we would be making our own food today but once Gladys got here she would likely take over the role because she loved cooking for her boy and nobody could deny her that even Elvis himself, she had been the source of Elvis's stubbornness because she had been just as bad.

"you boys adore me, what can I say?" I said laughing as I walked through the door to the dining room swinging my hips as they all laughed, although Joe had taken to throwing the rolls I had insisted on making last night at everybody... although it was a stupid thing to do because they had turned out hard as rocks and black because cooking was not my cup of tea, I was absolutely nightmarish at cooking but there wasn't a better baker in the house except Gladys herself.

"yes we do Dell! this smells good what is it?" DJ asked

"this is a cal zone, made with Red's help. it could be baked so I decided to make them today" I explained as I took the smallest one from the platter and put it onto my plate.

"folks better be careful, Della and Red made it" joe and Elvis joked

"nah we sampled one before we made them this morning" Red admitted

We sat down to eat, then we cleaned up before the boys created my diversion so I could go pick up Vernon and Gladys from the train station.

Getting to the train station, thankfully no one really knew who I was or so I thought. I was able to go inside and wait for Vernon and Gladys to disembark from the train. both Elvis and I had suggested planes because they were faster but Gladys never liked the idea, she didn't even like the idea of me flying to and from Germany because it was a long flight and she was afraid of the plane crashing.

I stood waiting for them and finally spotted them disembarking the train and headed towards them

"Gladys! Vernon!" I smiled as I threw my arms around them in a hug, Gladys looked better than she had last time I saw her.

"Welcome home! Mama, papa!" I smiled as I took her bags.

"you are a sight for sore eyes Della! your hair!" Gladys gushed as we headed to the car

"thank you! I thought I'd try something new and I let Elvis pick the color" I chuckled

"oh that boy! how is he?" she asked as I put her bags in the truck as Vernon did the same

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