Chapter 6

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"Aloha my love" I smiled walking off the plane with E by my side

"Aloha Baby' he grinned wearing his sunglasses like myself.

"Welcome to Hawaii Gladys, Vernon, mom" I smiled as we all disembarked the plane at the airport

We flew in on a rented private jet rather than flying commercial due to the amount of us going.

"how did you manage to get us not only a private jet on very short notice but also manage to get us to the airport in Hollywood unnoticed and get us flown into Hawaii unnoticed?" he asked as we loaded in the cars waiting on the runway for us, ours being a powder blue 1960 Chevrolet corvette that I knew he'd love

"i have my ways my love" I just grinned and winked at him as he opened my door for me after we loaded our bags

"your amazing D, I don't know how you did it but I love you for it" he smiled pecking my forehead

"it almost seems as if we're just normal people, doesn't it?" I said thinking

"almost, it's nice" he smiled

" I thought it might be nice for you to have a vacation... give you a piece of normalcy, a break from the fans and being watched every second of everyday.." I said voicing my thoughts

"thank you" he said grateful and relieved that we wouldn't have to hide or be watched this time

"you don't have to thank me... you being able to relax and have fun is thanks enough for me. we do have to lead the way to the house, I didn't tell anyone else where we are staying" I told him as he started the car, everybody else had got the cars loaded and now we were on our way.

"we aren't staying in a hotel?" he asked driving in the direction I told him to go

" I thought a house would be better with everybody going, besides we're going to be here for a month, I don't think living in a hotel for a month would really work that well. besides I think a house would be lovely" I

"you thought of everything" he smiled proudly

" I love you E" he smiled

"i love you" he grinned. he sang just about the whole way from the airport to the house

pulling in the driveway he parked out front and looked up at the house

"this is great!" he grinned

"it's even more beautiful than the pictures!" I smiled as I got out of the car pulling the keys out of my purse

"that's what came in the mail in that big packet that you hid so fast" he said

"as if you didn't know... I knew you snooped in my drawer while I was showering" I laughed as his face turned red

"how'd you know?" he asked opening the trunk of the car

"because I know you... your a curious man just like me" I laughed knowing him all too well

"you really are a wonderful wife Della" he smiled kissing me before we headed inside as everyone else unloaded the cars

"D your gonna put me out of a job" Joe laughed as we stood in the driveway talking as we grouped up

"whatever do yo mean Joseph dear? I'm only being a wonderful wife" I joked trying my best to keep a straight face

"how about you be a crappy wife huh?" he laughed

"not in my vocabulary" I laughed as we headed inside

Once we got inside and put the bags down, Red came up behind me and grabbed me up in his arms hugging me for some strange reason

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