Chapter 12

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I couldn't decide which I loved more.. getting to lay on the beach in the warm sun or watching my husband play with our son in the water... sitting back and watching the two of them.. I was watching my whole world right there in front of me. sure I love my job as an actress and he loves his job as a singer and entertainer and we knew it was important to help a job so we could live but nothing to us was more important than raising our son... and the one on it's way now..

"i don't think I've ever seen a girl so in love" Tracy smiled sitting down beside me on the sand as Jesse and the twins went down to play with Elvis and Venny in the waters edge.

"it's hard not to be with those two" I chuckled

"don't you mean those three?" she asked laying a hand on my slowly growing belly

"how did you know? I haven't even told E yet" I laughed

"i know you... your hair has been shining more than normal and your eyes have an extra sparkle to them... your glowing more than normal" she chuckled

"I'm surprised E hasn't noticed.... unless he has and he just hasn't said anything yet" I said watching him smile as he played with the kids

"give him time... he'll notice. he doesn't miss a single thing when it comes to you" she laughed watching them.. having Jesse In his life had done him a lot of good, he really did need his brother.

"your right but I think I'm going to tell him later today" I said as I moved to get up so I could go join the fun.

We spent hours on the beach playing in the sand and water before we got dressed to go and find some lunch choosing to go out for lunch rather than cooking since we had promised to cook dinner tonight.

"i have something to tell you" I grinned as he drove, we were the 3rd car back in our little convoy leaving Presley Manor

"what is it baby?" he asked grinning, he had decided to wear his sailor style hat today and I had to admit... it looked great with his tanned skin

"oh nothing really... Venny's just going to be a big brother" I said cool as I watched the passing scenery

"oh that's great baby- what?" he said as he hit the breaks and stopped in the middle of the driveway

"Venny's going to be a big brother" I grinned

"we're having a baby?" he asked grinning as he looked at me

"we're going to have a baby... I'm pregnant" I grinned... I was thrilled when I found out and I knew he would be too... since day one he had wanted Venny to have a brother or sister or one of both and now he was going to have one..

He was so excited he stood up in the seat and shouted with a huge smile on his face to everybody that we we're having another baby.... while I shook my head laughing

A week later we were out on the beach just the two of us taking a walk and he said

"what If I retired after this little one came?" he asked looking out at the water as he held my hand

"I'd say that if it makes you happy than I'm all for it but.. just because we're going to have two kids doesn't mean you have to retire" I said looking up at him

" I can't think of anything that would make me happier than to be home and help you raise our babies.. I could always still tour some and record albums but no more being gone for months on end filming movies that I don't like anyways... we could even buy us a ranch and live on it some of the time so we would have a break from Graceland that was a little closer to home than here.." he sounded like he had given it a lot of thought and I knew he had..

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