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Hey Guys! 

I know you were probably hoping this was an update... but unfortunately, it isn't, I would like to ask your opinion/preference. 

as many of you know it's been an entire year since I first published and updated this story/book and while I hate disappointing you guys I wanted to ask which you would rather I do. 

option one is to update this book

option two is to leave this one as is and start a new book about Presley.

option three would be to attempt both. 

(inspirations for a new book are also accepted)

 Please comment with your opinions and preferences. 

my apologies for being MIA for like an entire year, I've tried to focus on writing a book to publish, and... that has kind of gone up in smoke so for now I'm back to stay. anyways I adore you all my loves and can't wait to hear your opinions! 

                                                                 -Much Love, Kenzie!

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