Chapter 11

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the reception was better than the first one and it lasted til almost 3am but our little man didn't.... I had to admit about 1am I was feeling his pain, I liked 3 hours being up 24 hours and I was just about to rest my bones on the floor under our table when E smiled standing up and taking my hand as he said goodnight to everybody and we headed upstairs to our room for the night.. we didn't do the deed.... we were much too exhausted but on the 9th we would board a plane to the Bahamas where we would stay for a week for our 2nd honeymoon.

we had at first wanted another month vacation where it seemed as if the world went away and we lived like normal people but with the filming of Charro! and change of habit coming it wasn't an option until at least august and the first word of filming about to wrap on change of habit I was planning our escape, the entire family would come with us again... including my pop, my new brothers, Tracy, Jess, the twins, Pastor and Mrs Wade would be coming this time.. I had also taken care of our flight details already... I had rented one of the largest private jets I could so we could all comfortably fly aboard without having to make two or 3 trips to get everyone to Hawaii. yes... we're going back to Hawaii, it's our favorite vacation spot.

"already planning our big vacation in august?" Joe asked as we sat watching E film Charro!

"you bet! the only things I have left to do is get the rental cars and make sure the house will be stocked and cleaned before we arrive" I said grinning

"how do you get so much done in such little time?" Joe asked, Joe was great at being chief of staff but other things he wasn't as good at... like planning getaways and vacations

"because I'm a mom and because I used to balance 4 houses in 4 different places at one time while bouncing between 2 places" I chuckled

"how did being pulled so thin not kill you D? you slept real short hours and hardly ever ate a full meal... how did you do it?" he asked

"it wasn't easy but I knew I had 3 really important people relaying on me to get the things they needed done and after what happened with roger.... that's what I needed.... that's why I didn't let the incident get to me because once the doctor gave me the boot from the hospital Elvis was ready to put me back to work and that's exactly what he did... I needed to get back to work.. it showed he didn't pity me even though I was so afraid he would, " I explained as the director called for a break and E walked over to us.

"well honey what do you think about this one? it's not your normal break into song every 5 minutes" I chuckled as I hugged him

"it's better than the ones I've been doing... joe when we get done with shooting this thing I want you to do something for me" he said grinning

"what do you want to do Elvis?" joe rolled his eyes seeing E's grin

"i want you to burn my neck like this" he said pulling his shirt over to reveal the scar they had made with makeup

"absolutely not Elvis Aron!" I said putting my hand over his mouth as he and joe started laughing

"what baby? I thought it was a good idea" he said still laughing as I walked off to the snack trailer

"you are screwed up in the head Elvis Aron... much worse than I thought you were" I laughed shaking my head at him as I walked away only to have him chase me

Filming for Charro! wrapped after 5 weeks but we would be back before we knew it and I would be in change of habit after all, Jane Elliot who was set to play Sister Barbra had to back out at the last minute and I was the only actress available at a moments notice even though that was the last thing I wanted to do because as far as I was concerned I had retired from the motion picture business.

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