Chapter 9

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"was it really a good idea to buy a house 2 hours away from the studio?" I asked leaning my head on E's shoulder as we rode in the backseat going home from the studio after working all day

"don't really seem like it now does it" he yawned

"not after days like today" I said dozing off

"I'm really missing Memphis tonight" he said as he hummed trying to stay awake

"me too"

it seemed we had been working so much a vacation was in order again, but when we returned home in weeks he would have a week before he would begin rehearsing and filming the 66' Comeback special that we were so excited about and after the comeback special was filmed it would be Christmas again and our birthday so if we went on a vacation it would have to be after our birthday but even than it would be worth it.

"what are you doing baby?" E asked seeing me sitting at the desk typing

"just writing a letter to aunt Angie"

"we've got that reporter coming in about an hour" he said getting ready to hop in the shower

"that's today? I thought that was on Thursday" I said panicking, I hadn't showered or washed my hair since Wednesday

" today Thursday baby" he chuckled

"oh no!" I said remembering

"what's oh no?"

"mom and her boyfriend are coming for lunch! we're supposed to pick them up at the airport in an hour!" I said before running out to find joe so he could rush to the airport to pick them up

"joe! I need you to run to the airport and pick up my mom and roger" I said panicking as I nearly fell thankfully joe caught me

"calm down D! I'll go, I'll take care of it, you go get ready for that reporter that's coming. don't worry everything going to be fine" he reassured me as he patted my back grabbing the car keys and running out the door.

"your the greatest joe!" I pecked his cheek before running back upstairs to get ready

an hour later

"would you say that being married has changed the way you look at playing someone else's love interest in movies?" the reporter asked, he was finishing up

"it definitely has.." E grinned at me

"i think everybody wants to know how you do it... how do you deal with being married to Elvis Presley and not be insanely jealous?" he asked

"it's simple really... I don't care" I chuckled

"no... in all honesty it's as simple as trusting him and knowing that even though he's holding someone else in his arms, I'm the one in his heart and on his mind... and I know at the end of the day, no matter what when we leave that studio when the days done, we're going to leave holding each others hand and still be in love with each other" I explained as we held hands

"that's very inspiring Della. what about you Elvis, is that your take on it?" he asked

"well not exactly, it does bother me to see someone else with their hands on her but like her I know I'm on her mind and in her heart. at the end of a long day of filming I know she's still going to walk by my side and hold my hand when we leave and she's still going to be wearing her wedding ring. i know that no matter what comes our way that she's going to be there for me as I will be for her.... and most of all I trust her... I trust her with my life" he finished as he looked over at me

"how do you like being married? your coming upon your 3rd anniversary isn't it?" he asked

"honestly, I really love being married"

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