Chapter 13

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The day after we brought Juliette home was new years eve and our 5th anniversary which meant we were getting ready for the new years party and true to my word I sent Goldie an invitation with her Christmas card so she flew into Memphis this morning with her husband.

"D, you've got company" Joe said as i got ready to leave and go find a dress for the party tonight since I hadn't had much time to find one what with everything going on.... and one beautiful baby making her entrance into the world a week early.

"I'm coming! " I shouted back downstairs as I grabbed my purse and my coat on my way out of our room. E being the fabulous dad he is, took Venny and Juliette downstairs to tend to them while I was gone.

"who Is it?" I asked hitting the bottom step and struggling to get my arm in my coat. I was in a hurry because I had an appointment at the hair dressers and afterwards I would be going dress shopping with Tracy while Jess and the twins hung out here with E

"its me!" I heard Goldie say from the living room as I finally got my arm in my coat

"hey! I'm so glad you made it! I was just heading out but I'm going to get my hair done and shop for a dress if you wanna come" I said hugging her

"that sounds lovely!" she smiled, I nodded before looking around for E and the kids, finding them in the music room, Juliette sleeping peacefully in her playpen and E teaching Venny to play the piano... it was a sight I almost didn't want to disturb just to kiss him bye and tell him where the bottles and milk for Juliette and snacks for Venny were.

"honey, I'm heading out" I said as I leaned against the side of the arch leading into the living room and music room

"have fun baby" he smiled standing up and coming over to kiss me

"i will.. I'm taking Goldie and we're meeting Tracy, we'll be home before everyone gets here I promise" I said wiping the lipstick off the edge of his mouth

"Juliette has 3 bottles in the refrigerator on the top shelf and I moved Venny's snacks to the cabinet beside the refrigerator" I filled him in.

"we will be just fine baby" he chuckled as I tried to remember if there was anything else I needed to tell him before I left. this would be the first time he was lost almost completely alone with not just Venny but Juliette too and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit nervous about it.

" I love you.. Behave" I smiled and pecked his cheek before I pointed my finger at him.

"love you too baby" he chuckled walking me out and pecking Goldie's cheek as he opened the door for us to find the car running and warmed up for us.

After returning home from Hollywood we drove by the Chevrolet dealership and I fell in love with the beautiful Camaros that had came out last year and after talking about it for a few days.. we went down to the dealership and ordered one custom from the factory and it had been delivered just before Christmas

"he really does love you to let you barrow his new car" she said as we got in the car

"oh no... this is my new car" I said correcting her with a chuckle.

"Della it's beautiful!" she said looking around at it.

"thank you!" I smiled.

We headed to the hair dresser and had our hair done before we went dress shopping. I ended up with a white mid thigh length dress that made me look young but I still looked like a mom, Goldie ended up with a bright green dress that ended at her knee, it suited her personality perfect and Tracy went for a bright pink mid thigh length dress sorta like mine but a little less detailed, it went perfectly with her strawberry blonde hair

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