Chapter 4

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we broke a record, we planned a wedding with 45 guests and a reception in a total of 10 days, meals and everything included, the only thing left was my wedding dress which I hadn't picked out yet but planned to do today with my mom and Gladys.

"are we picking up your mama?" Gladys asked as we met in the foyer of Graceland

"she's gonna meet us downtown. Bye baby, we'll see you later, I love you" I said kissing Elvis as I struggled to get my darn coat on

"bye baby, love you" Elvis chuckled helping me on with my coat

We were already late to meet my mom and I was half sick on my stomach'

"Della are you sure your alright honey child?" Glady asked as I went to reach for the door handle to open it for her only to get my heel stuck between the concrete slab and the paved driveway

Before I could help it, I fell backwards and bumped my hard head on the mini brick wall bordering the stairs just as Elvis burst out the door and Gladys rushed to catch me

"Della? Della are you okay? can you hear me?" I heard Elvis saying as he scooped me up yelling at the guys to open the doors as he carried me up the stairs and into our room

"call the doctor!" he yelled, and I heard Gladys too saying she would find my mom and tell her what happened

"come on baby wake up" Elvis willed with me

"ouch! what happened?" I grumbled waking up as I moved my hand up to rub my head

"you got your heel stuck outside and smacked your head on the brick wall when you fell" E explained as he put another pillow behind my head

"you can cancel the doctor, I'm fine" I told him slowly sitting up

"Gladys we can still go. I'm okay" I said hoping she'd hear me

" I think you better wait and go tomorrow"

"but we have so much to do. we still have to go Christmas shopping and we have to pick out our rings and get them made and I have to find a dress and we-" I said talking a mile a second as he put his fingers gently to my lips before I could finish

"we've got time baby, I promise" he said as he pecked my forehead

"but what if we run out of time?" I asked frustrated with myself for falling

" I promise you baby, we've got time! listen if you walked down the aisle in your blue jeans with your hair in a mess, I wouldn't care as along as I get to be the one who's waiting at the alter for you" he said softly

"you really wouldn't care?" I asked almost in tears at his tenderness

" I really wouldn't care. I love you just the way you are, you crazy mess" he chuckled

" I love you"

The next day when a headache still, I got up and we went dress shopping, me, mom and Gladys.

"i want something simple but with lots of lace and a long veil and train" I told mom and Gladys as we walked in the bridal shop

2 hours into shopping for my dress I found 'The One!' alterations were all that was left to do and they promised to have it done before New Years Eve.... only it seemed that I not being Mrs Elvis Presley just yet played a part in almost having to use my backup dress.

it still wasn't ready until New Years Eve, which resulted in a meltdown by me and a very angry Elvis calling the dress shop to force them to finish my dress immediately. we we're slightly late to the church for the ceremony because Elvis sent Red to pick up my dress for me and it seemed my mom was going to be late to the church too because of traffic.

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