Chapter 5

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January 1st 1964 we woke up from a peaceful nights slumber to a new day and a brand new year.

I woke beside Elvis with a bright smile on my face, I had been blessed with a wonderful husband, a new day and a new year and I couldn't be more grateful.

"good morning baby" I rolled over to face him as I felt him stir and heard him speak

"morning my love" I smiled

"what do you say we go downstairs and get some breakfast then go ride the horses for a while?" he asked

"that sounds lovely... I do have a surprise for you later though" I told him sitting up before he pulled me back down to kiss him.

we emerged our bedroom about 2 hours later and E couldn't contain his grin as he held my hand walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. we were dressed in our best western attire as we ate our breakfast made by Gladys as she still loved to cook, before we headed out to go for our first horse back ride as a married couple, it seemed I was in a bubble of happiness as I watched E saddle the horses, thunder included.. after we had gotten thunder back to Graceland we had went for a ride, we had been surprised when thunder wondered towards Elvis and let him put the saddle on his back.

"he really suits you D" he said as I mounted thunder with his help after he finished saddling Rising Sun, we headed out of the barn and circled the grounds going at our own pace. it was cold but a comfortable cold, a blanket of glistening white snow covered the ground as Elvis rode beside me taking pictures of Thunder and I.

He even went as far to ride ahead of me and make the horse trot backwards... he was in the mood to showoff today.

"i adore him.. he's almost like a bigger four legged you" I said in response to him saying thunder suited me

"what makes you say that?" he asked laughing

"well he has jet black hair, big feet, he's strong willed but can be won over by a certain lady named D, he's gentle, he's always here for me when I need him oh and he is a wonderful listener like you" I grinned at him as he took my picture again.

"there's one thing you missed... I love you, " he pointed out with a grin.

"as much fun as this... I think we should head inside" I said turning thunder around

"you said something earlier about a surprise... what is it?" he asked as we rode back to the barn

"your going to like it my love" I grinned, he really was like a child

"i love you" he smiled as we slowly rode side by side. he leaned over and kissed me as we rode.

"i love you" I grinned

We rode back to the barn and put rising sun and thunder back in the barn before brushing them down and giving them some feed.

We went inside and Red and Gladys had done as I asked and packed our bags leaving them by the door.

"what are our bags doing down here?" E asked as he closed the door behind him after allowing me inside first.

"oh honey, we have a flight to catch in about an hour. so we have to get ready" I smiled.

"where are we going?" he asked confused

"it's a surprise my love" I chuckled

While the trip was planned as our honeymoon, now that I was his Co-manager, I was working on trying to get him a serious role in a movie and maybe getting him back out on the road that he missed so much.

"D come to bed" he groaned as I sat at the desk in our hotel room creating my to-do list for when we got home and thinking about who I had to call once we came home.

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