Chapter 10

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November 17th 1967 came and our little boy turned a year old

We had gotten confirmation that filming for change of habit was being delayed to June due to Mary Tyler Moore having to postpone it, replacing her with me was a thought by the studio but i turned the part down because I didn't feel right playing a nun

my mom had loved being a Grammy and Carl had stepped up as the greatest father figure I could have dreamy of aside from Vernon and he loved being a grandpa much like Vernon, my new brothers had became some of my best friends and we considered each other brothers and sister even though they were 19, 21, 24 and 27. I was still older than them at 32 along with Elvis we still all got along great. they had also proudly taken on the roles of Uncle Denny, Uncle Thomas, Uncle, Mark and Uncle Clayton.

It wasn't our first Christmas as parents but it was still special, this was the first year Venny would really be able to enjoy the holiday... we had been calling him lane (his middle name) since he was born until Joe came up with Venny as a nickname for Vernon.

"our second Christmas as parents.. it seems like time is flying by" Elvis said as we laid in bed.

"i know.. it seems like just yesterday we were bringing Venny home and now he's a year old" I said thinking about it as I pulled out the photo album mom, mama and I had been putting together for the past year.

"doesn't seem possible that he's a year old already" he said as he looked at the pictures on the first page of the day Venny had came into the world just one year ago

"ain't it funny how time slips away" I sang wiping a tear from my eye as E put his arm around my shoulder

" I think I've decided to retire from acting..." I said breaking the news to him

"what made you decide that?" he asked surprised

"Venny is growing so fast.. it's more important that I take care of my husband and our babies than act... I don't want to miss the different stages of their lives because I'm on set away from them.. I want to be here for our kids and be a good mommy to them, they need me... the studios and Hollywood doesn't" I spoke honestly

"are you sure?" he asked

"I'm sure, I promised when I married you that I'd always do what was right for our family and for us and that's why I'm going to retire... if there's still demand for me when they're grown up some maybe I'll do a few more but until then I feel like this is the right thing to do.. after all we didn't a have kids for our mama's to raise.. it's our job to raise our own kids" I spoke softly. he was quiet as if thinking about it.

" I couldn't have ordered a better wife or mother to my kids than you, " he said proudly as he kissed me with tears falling from his eyes

"just staying true to my word honey" I smiled

"you really are an amazing woman" he said hugging me as we flipped through the album. Venny looked more like his father everyday and I couldn't help but love that about him, he still had that black hair that Elvis and I were jealous of since we still have to keep ours dyed to keep it jet black.

The contractors had finished with the guest house and it had been filled up this month with everyone coming for thanksgiving.. it looked like a smaller version of Graceland and it was beautiful.

"good morning Denny" I smiled as Denny came in from the guest house as I walked around the kitchen making a bottle for Venny

"morning sis, here I'll take Venny while you fix his bottle" he said taking Venny and walking over to sit down at the breakfast bar

"thank you Denny, E should be down in a few minutes he was finishing up in the shower. how do you guys like the guest house yourselves?" I asked testing the milk temperature on my wrist

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