Chapter 56

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"Hurry up Ikuya..!! Can't you see I'm about to give birth you knuckle head.?!?"

Y/n yelled angrily as she felt contractions hit her hard. Ikuya was trying his best to drive through the short cuts as fast as he could but there was a lot of traffic especially on Christmas Day. He rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Calm down, love. Everything will be okay."

Ikuya told y/n trying to calm her down, for some reason it ticked her off at the fact that he had told her to calm down. The woman was going through the worst pain of her life and all the man could say was calm down?

"Calm down..!? CALM DOWN..?!?"

Y/n yelled as Ikuya sweat dropped from her screaming, he knew that it was the pain making her feel like this. Now what happened that got them here? Let's go back into the day. And no we're not talking about that 'eventful' day. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Today happened to be a beautiful and special day, why? Well it was Christmas of course! Y/n and Ikuya were baking cookies as they waited for their guest to arrive. Y/n placed some chocolate chips into the cookies as she smiled happily.

"I hope these come out good!"

Y/n told Ikuya as he nodded his head. Ikuya remembered something as he quickly ran into their room and came back with a small rectangle box, y/n looked at it curiously as she grabbed it from his hands.

"I know we talked about not getting gifts for each other to save up some money for a house but I had to get you this."

Ikuya told y/n as she softened at the thought of Ikuya thinking about her. She placed the box onto the counter as she hugged him.

"Now I feel like a dick, I didn't get you anything..."

Y/n told him as she frowned, he shook his head as he kissed her forehead and smiled at her.

"You already blessed me with a family. Open it."

Ikuya told her as she smiled and grabbed the box again, she unwrapped the paper and opened it. She looked at it in awe before looking back at Ikuya.

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