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(italicized words are rue narrating)

calliope jacobs always had different views from her parents.

"dad, satin sheets are good for your hair and skin!" i shouted as i got into a fight with my dad over my new bed sheets.

"you're bed looks like you live in a porn set now." my dad said looking at my bed with disgust.

"you would know about that." i muttered.

callie should've kept her mouth shut, but she's really never been good at that.

my dad grabbed my arm and shoved me into my bedroom.

"think about what you said, until then you sit in this fucking room." he seethed.

when callie was eight she found her dad's tapes and she knew he was embarrassed about them, so she used it to her advantage.

  "really, you wanna keep me in here?" i provoked. "i will fuck your life up if you keep me in here."

  "the only reason you're alive, calliope,  is because i allow it." my dad rebutted.

  "and the only reason why you still have your building monopoly in this town is because of me."

callie was just as hard headed and stubborn as her father and "older" brother were. nate was older than her by an hour and fifteen minutes. even then she was stubborn.

  "you're going to let me out, or i steal all your tapes and publish them all over social media." i threatened.

she would never actually do it, she enjoyed her lifestyle too much. cal jacobs hadn't had control over his daughter for nine years. she may have let him believe he had control sometimes but she always knew who was actually in charge and she loved it.

i moved past my dad who stayed quiet and walked downstairs to grab my keys and my bag.

"going to go see your drug dealer boyfriend?" nate provoked.

"he's not my boyfriend, you fucking douchebag." i responded before leaving to go out to my car.

the drive to fez's was short, i could walk, but it's dark out and i'm not trying to get killed.

"hey ash." i said walking up to the little boy.

"he's in the back, callie." he responded, continuing to count money.

"make sure to do your homework." i added before i walked through the door into the back. "fezco!"

"calliope!" fez called out, mocking my tone. "when did you get back from italy?"

"last night." i answered, wrapping my arms around fez's neck. i've been away for a month and i missed being around him. i missed hanging off his arm. i missed enjoying his warmth. i missed his eyes and his smile the most.

"and you didn't come see me?" he asked, pretending to be offended.

fez would never admit it to anyone else, but callie kept him grounded. he would do anything just to be in her presence. he would kill everyone in the world if that meant he would just be able to see her. he loved everything about her. her style, her humor, the way the smoke comes out her mouth when she exhales after taking a hit from a blunt, he loved the way she pushed ash to get his homework done and if he didn't understand it she would help him. he didn't even go to her volleyball games to see her in the shorts, he went because he was proud of her and wanted to see her excel at something she loved. he would never let anyone see him walk into the gym but she knew he was there every single time. he loved the way she cared for animals and people. he loved her.

"no, i had to go see my boyfriend." i joked.

"i hate you." fez said, dropping his arms from waist, trying to hide his smile.

"come on fez, you know i'm just playing." i laughed.

"i heard rue's coming back tomorrow." i mentioned to fez as he rolled a blunt. i sat with my back against the arm rest on the couch with my kneels pulled to my chest.

"really?" he asked and stopped rolling the blunt to look at me.

"yeah, the wonder twins told me last night when they were at my house. apparently gia and the twins have been hanging out a lot recently, which worries me to new fucking extremes." i answered with my hands in my hair.

"why was they at your house last night?"

"uh, probably because my brother was there." i replied, confused on why he even cared. "why do you even care?"

"because, they're fucking weird and i don't want something to happen to you." he answered as i took the blunt from him and finished rolling.

"you're so sweet." i joked, giving him the blunt back.

"you know what, you don't get to smoke any of this fucking blunt, callie."

"fez, come on!" i protested trying to get the blunt from him

"i said no."

"callie, i need your help!" ash called from his room where he was doing his homework.

"i'm coming!" i called back. i looked over at fez really quick before standing up. "i'll be right back."

"make it quick, or i'm smoking the whole thing myself." he responded, lighting the blunt already.

"what are you working on tonight?" i asked him when i get to his room.

"geometry." he answered. "i just don't understand these congruent angles and fucking proofs, bro."

"ok, well first you need to calm your ass down because getting angry isn't gonna get you anywhere." i warned before i sat down next to him. "now, have you calmed down?"

"yes." he responded, clearly annoyed.

"you know this stuff, ash, we went over it the last time i was here."

"that was a month ago, calliope. the most annoying month of my life. fez was all 'i miss callie,' 'i need callie,' 'when's callie getting back.'"

"well, we know triangles always equal one hundred eighty degrees, right?"

i helped ash try and figure out geometry and eventually went back to fez.

"you know i heard-" i started before i noticed that fez was asleep on the couch. i smiled to myself before i went and gave him a smell peck on the cheek. trying to grab my stuff as quietly as possible, i walked back out to my car and left.

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