one thing after another

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it was hard getting up this morning. i was going back to school today. everyone knows what happened. i know they're gonna ask if i'm okay, if i needed to talk to anyone that they were always available (which was usually far from the truth). i need to hold my head up high. everyone needs to know nobody can hurt me and get away with it. but, it was difficult. all i could think about was 'what would people think of me?' i mean how fucked is that? there are people saying i was the one that initiated it, that i was a liar and overdramatic. but, i need to push through. people need me. ash and fez need me and i have to be there for them.

"morning." i said to my mom once i got downstairs.

"callie if you aren't ready-" my mom started as i grabbed my keys from the counter.

"mom i'm fine i promise. everything's fine."

everything wasn't fine for callie. she tried to push through, make it on her own. but, there's only so much emotional suppression a person's mind- and body- can take.

"hey, hey." i said walking into fez's apartment."

"you finally coming back to school?" ash asked, slurping on his lucky charms like a hooligan.

"i'm here, aren't i?"

"callie..." fez started, pulling me into his room. "look, it's okay if you aren't ready. what happened to you-"

"what happened to me was nothing, okay. we-we were both drunk and high and he just got too messy."

"what the hell happened to 'let's press charges'? what happened to the strong calliope that didn't take shit from nobody? who sure as hell wouldn't fucking stand for this."

"i don't want to talk about it, fezco, okay? a-and what happens if i do press charges and this thing goes to trial? it was an underage party with alcohol provided by my parents. they could go to jail, you could go to jail."

"you can't protect everybody, callie, you need to look out for yourself and what if he does this shit again callie? the last girl he did-"

"don't fezco. do not take this there. i have to get ash and i to school. i'll see you later."

callie went back to school and she got the questions she was expecting.

"how are you, honestly?"

"what happened, you've been gone for so long?"

even the teachers took pity on her. of course they knew. everyone knew, it was impossible not to in this town. at volleyball practice they all looked at her with the same face of pity.

"i know i've been...gone for a bit, but i'm ready for this if y'all are."

callie's first volleyball game of the season. fez was around somewhere, even if callie didn't want to see him. he always showed up for her.

but, in the second set of the night, callie was up at the net. a girl from the opposing team, who just so happened to be adrien warden's girlfriend, stuck her foot out under the net and callie landed on it coming down from her jump. the second she landed on the ground, fez knew something was wrong and he ran from his dark corner in the stands down to the court.

  "calliope, there's no easy way to say this to a talented athlete like yourself, but unfortunately, you've torn your acl in your right leg." Dr. Dwanda told us as we sat in the hospital room. I could hear my heart monitor become faster and grow louder. My heart was pounding.

  "m-my acl. no, no, no. a tiny tear sure, but a full tear, no i'm sorry. please, please check again." i stuttered out. this couldn't be happening.

  "callie, i've been doing this a long time. you've known me for a long time. you know i would never lie to you and the scans don't lie either."

  "sweetie, it's going to be okay." my mom attempted to reassure me. "you'll get surgery-"

  "how long is the recovery process?"

  "about a year, callie."

  "no, no that's gonna...that's not gonna work for me."

  "unfortunately, calliope, medicine doesn't speed up or slow down for anyone. no matter who they are or how much money they have."

  "we have options to make her hurt as much as she's hurt you." nate said, sitting in my bed where i was ordered to stay. "we can sue her for emotional damages and intentionally hurting you and we can sue her to pay for your medical bills."

  "nate it was a game, it could've happened to anyone."

  "yeah, but i did some digging around to find out who this bitch was and you're never gonna guess who she's dating."

  "don't...don't say his name, please."

  "fine, but there is something here that i have for you." nate said before getting up and leaving my room, only for me to see fez walk in.

  "fez, w-what are you doing here?" i asked, smiling and relieved that he was here.

  "i needed to see my girl, i wanted to see how you were."

  "so i'm your girl now?"

  "what you mean 'now'? you always been my girl."

  "okay, but my dad will actually kill you if he finds out you're in his house."

  "let him." fez said before leaning down to kiss me.

fez held himself above me as the kiss deepened and all i wanted to do was tear his shirt off of him but instead i pushed him away a little.

  "not here, fez. my dad won't just kill you but then i'd be next for having a guy up here. i love kissing you and i wish i could do it all the time but you need to go because i just heard my dad's car."

  "how am i supposed to get out?" he panicked slightly and it made me laugh a little.

  "out the window, there's a ladder that goes up the side of the house. but there's a roof right outside my window, so you know, you might be able to jump down."

  "i am not jumping calliope."

  "then take the fucking ladder fezco." i whispered throwing a pillow at him. "just go, go, go."

as soon as the window shut, cal jacobs walked through calliope's door and just stood looking at her. disappointment. pity. disgust that his daughter couldn't prevent herself from getting hurt. all things good fathers would never do.

  "what happened?" he asked.

  "t-this girl stuck her foot underneath the net and when i landed on her foot i tore my acl because my knee went the wrong direction. i-i should've looked before coming down, i'm sorry."

  "all these years your mother and i have put into volleyball, wasted, over a stupid mistake."

  "i think we should sue her."

those were the magic words cal wanted to hear. those six words were bliss to his ears. finally, in cal jacob's eyes, his daughter was taking the bull by the horns. but calliope knew that's all he wanted to hear.

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