violent nights

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callie hadn't been to school in three days. after that night she couldn't even be bothered to leave fez's bed. she won't even let fezco within six feet of her before she starts breaking down. he understood. he expected it. he knew she wasn't gonna be okay.

nate came to fez's apartment the next morning to try to get fez to let him take calliope home, but once again, it was a no-go.

"the last thing she needs right now is to be in the toxic ass environment that is your house." fez said.

"being at a drug dealers house is any better?" nate responded, obviously starting to get angry in typical nate jacobs fashion.

"look bruh, she'll go when she wants to go."

  "callie will you please eat something?" fez asked, sitting on the bed next to her. he knew she was making progress, she finally wouldn't break down every time he came into the room.

  "i'm not hungry." callie responded. fez nodded, getting up. he felt like crying, but he was also proud because she finally spoke for the first time in a week.

night terrors were also a big problem for calliope. she would wake up screaming, kicking, crying and fez would rush in, try not to get hit, and try to calm her down. sometimes, squeezing her as tight as possible was the only way to do so.

  "callie can you please get up?" ashtray practically begged. he missed callie probably more than fez did. callie was one of his best friends and as soon as she told him who did this he was gonna kill the fucker.

but what fezco and ashtray didn't know was the fucker that did this was laying in a hospital bed suffering from brain damage not only from what fez did the night of the party but also from nate jacobs did the next day. nate found out what friend adrien was staying with for the weekend, knocked on the door, asked for adrien, and beat his ass to a pulp.

eventually callie texted her mom saying she was ready to go and marsha was there in less than ten minutes.

"hi sweetie." my mom said, crouching down next to me. "are you ready to go?"

"yeah." i muttered sitting.

"oh god, you need a burger." mom exclaimed helping me get up from the bed. "thank you for taking care of her fezco."

my eyes shot open at the sound of my alarm clock going off. i turned it off and just sort of laid in the position for a second before i pushed myself out of bed. looking in the mirror was the hardest part. i didn't recognize myself. clearly i had lost weight, i was starving.

when marsha and callie got home the night before she tried to force feed callie as much as possible. she obviously ate what her body allowed her to eat, but it wasn't much.

i needed to put on a fake look for my family, for my friends. a fake stronghold. i needed to hit something. i needed to workout.

"hey." i said to nate as i walked into the gym. it was saturday but both of us were up at five o'clock in the morning working out.

"hey." he responded shortly before continuing his workout. "were you having like nightmares or something last night? i could hear you crying."

"yeah." i answered before starting my run on the treadmill.

i felt great after my workout. i got bag work in, ran for thirty minutes. i had an appetite. it felt like i was on top of the world. at least, that's how my parents saw me, but that's all that mattered. people thought i was getting better, that this was just a bump in the road, but i wanted to die. tear my skin right off. i had no control over my body that night and i never wanted to feel that way again.

"morning sweetie." mom said when i came down for breakfast. i looked into the living room and saw that my presents were still there. perfectly untouched. waiting for me to open them.

"morning mom." i responded with a smile.

"calliope, your mother and i have been talking, we think we should press charges." dad said to me as i sat down. the very first thing. of all things he could say to me he says that?

"if we pressed charges, i would have to relive that night all over again." i protested.

"honey, what if he does this again to another girl?" mom asked, an attempt at guilt tripping me. my dad didn't care that it would stop adrien from doing this to other girls, he wanted to show the public that nobody could treat a jacobs like this. he wanted to use it as a way to be more threatening.

"mom he has done this before. his parents paid off the girl and ditched town."

"this time he'll get what he deserves, callie." nate said, speaking up for the first time.

"we can call our lawyer, he could come here today-" dad started.

"or whenever, you're ready." my mom interjected.

"or whenever you're ready." dad repeated, reluctantly correcting himself. "after we talk to the lawyer, we'll move forward with pressing charges."

"i was really cross-faded when it happened though, could i go to jail for that?"

"that's something you'll have to ask the lawyers, sweetie."

I heard someone knock on my door and i told them to come in. surprisingly it was aaron.

"hey." he said, walking in with my gifts. "mom said to bring these up for you. she said that you could open them in private if you wanted to."

"thanks." i responded, looking back down at my laptop, expecting him to just leave after putting the gifts down.

"you know, i don't really like nate, i mean you seem to be the only one that he doesn't hate in this fucked up world, but what he did for you on your birthday was really cool of him."

"what do you mean?" i asked, closing my laptop.

"well, he put adrien in the hospital. he has like hella brain damage. probably because nate and fez fucked him up like seriously. like he'll never look the same again."

"like how fucked up?"

"like he probably doesn't know what his name is."

"do you think i should talk to the lawyer."

"i know you're scared to because you don't want to relive it, but he deserves to be put away for a long time callie. he's probably done this to alot of other girls in the city."

"how do you adrien moved to the city?"

"i helped nate figure out who adrien was staying with this weekend. he has like his whole life blasted on his instagram. locations on every single post."

"i wanna talk to the lawyer." i said to my mom the next morning. "and i want to put this fucker away for a long time."

author's note:
hey yall sorry i havent posted in a while. i just wanted to say 99% of time when i write these chapters i am very fucking high so if there are spelling/grammar mistakes or plot holes or something doesnt line up with the show ignore it im not sober. love yall 🖤🖤💜💜

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