just tell me the truth

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"first day of senior year." my mom said excited as nate and i walked downstairs for the first day of school. "picture please."

"mom i'm not taking a picture." i responded, grabbing my keys.

"yeah, mom i really don't feel like taking a picture." nate agreed grabbing his own keys.

"just take the picture for your mom." dad pipped up standing next to mom. nate and i looked at each other and just moved in front of the door to take the picture. it was early in the morning and we had no energy to fight with out dad.

"you two are growing up so fast." mom sniffled as she started to cry a little.

"mom please don't cry." i said before walking out of the door.

"drive safe!" she called out as my brother and i got into our cars.

"see you in first period." nate announced after rolling down his windows.

"how do you even know my schedule?" i asked.

"i hacked into your school account."

"you're a fucking asshole!" i called out laughing as pulled out of the driveway.

"don't make any unnecessary trouble alright." fez said to ash as i walked in to pick him up for school.

"calliope can you tell fezco not to treat me like a kid?" ash pleaded with me.

"maybe when you grow a few inches he'll treat you like your age." i joked earning an eye roll in return.

"y'all gotta get going or you're gonna be late." fez said trying to push us out the door.

"i'll see you later." i called walking out the door with ash.

"alright if you can't find anyone to sit with at lunch, come find me and you'll sit with me. sit in the middle in all of your classes, you're less likely to get picked on. if they call you down to the office don't say anything unless fez or i are there. and most importantly: deny, deny, deny."

"i know callie." ash said rolling his eyes.

"are your eyes broken why do they keep rolling at me today? i'm just trying to look out for you."

"i know." he responded quietly as we did our handshake.

"oh shit, before we get separated, i have practice after school today, do you mind chilling in the gym for a few hours after school?"

"wait in the gym where are the volleyball players are? yeah, i can do that."

"hey you're jewel right." i said to the girl sitting next to me in first period.

"it's jules actually." she responded smiling.

"i know. so are you new to town?"

"yeah, my dad and i just moved here."

"do you like it so far?"

"i mean it's cool, i guess."

"wait, aren't you the girl who cut her arm in front of nate jacobs at mckay's party."

"uh, yeah."

"that's badass. fucking crazy, i'll give you that, but badass."

"what's your name?"

"i'm calliope but everyone calls me callie." i introduced myself giving jules a smile.

"what's good calliope." ash said sitting in the spot next to me.

"y'all this is ashtray, fez's.... he's part of fez's family." i said introducing ash to the table.

"yo callie, is this you?" maddy asked showing me a picture of my mom and i sitting in the clinic.

"no." i answered, lying straight through my teeth, taking the phone out of her hands to look at the picture better. fuck.

"that's literally your mom."

"it's my cousin from out of town, my mom went with her because she has nobody back home."

"fez is gonna be fucking livid." ash muttered next to me looking at the picture. "he's gonna know it's you."

"well, it's not me so..." i responded, handing the phone back to maddy.

the rest of the day for callie was actual hell. she felt like everyone was looking at her, silently judging her.

  "hey." i said to fez walking into the store with ash.

  "we need to talk, calliope." he responded.

  "well, i got a lot of homework and shit, so-"

  "i'm not fucking around callie." fez said finally looking at me. "i'm not one to believe rumors, you know that, but when there's photo evidence backing it up, i start to believe it just a little bit more."

  "what are you talking about?" i asked trying to act oblivious.

  "come on, callie, i know you're not stupid, just tell me the truth. i'm just asking you to talk to me, i'm not gonna get mad, i promise."

the last sentence alone made callie scared to her fucking bones. she was terrified- no, dreading, the interaction the rest of the fucking day. but fezco adding on that sentence froze her to her fucking spot. her father would use the same sentence to coax her into telling the truth only to get angry when it came out. but maybe it would be different with fez, maybe he actually wouldn't be mad.

  "well, you saw the picture, i'm assuming." i sighed sighting next to him, looking up to see him nod his head. i took his hand in mine as i absentmindedly drew shapes on his hand while i spoke. "the day i passed out at practice i was dehydrated but i also found out that i was pregnant. they think i was maybe two months along, not very far at all. when i missed my period, i thought it was because i was smoking alot more than usual, but it was because i was pregnant. all i could think about was how is this possible. we used a condom, i'm on birth control, and worst of all they kept telling me i was infertile. when i found out why i passed out, my life literally flashed before my eyes. i thought about how i would have to stop playing volleyball, probably drop out of school, you know everything that goes bad when you're a pregnant teen. but then i thought about you. i thought about what it would be like to have mini fucking fezco running around my parents house. i thought about how nice it would've been. but then reality set in and i realized there was no way i could it. i'm not lying when i say i have no regrets about what i did. was it possibly my only shot at getting pregnant? probably, but who knows at this point i guess."

  "but why didn't you tell me, callie?" fez asked, as i continued to play with his hand. "i could've been there to help you through this."

  "i was just really fucking scared you would leave me if i told you about it. like, i thought you would hate me forever."

  "calliope, haven't we gotten past this bullshit? i've already told you i would never fucking leave you. you're fucking stuck with me. even if you leave me for somebody like mckay again."

  "oh my god, that's never gonna fucking happen again." i laughed as fez pressed his forehead against mine.

  "if you guys are fucking done, callie can you help me with my homework?" ash asked coming out of the back.

  "you know you're starting to fucking annoy me." i joked as i walked back to the back with ash.

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