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  "hey." fez said to me quietly as i started to fall asleep on his shoulder.

  "fuck what time is it?" i asked sitting up.

  "it's getting late." he answered looking at me. "it's like seven o'clock."

  "i told ash i would take him to football game to show him where all the good selling spots were."

  "callie you're obviously exhausted why don't you just stay here tonight. there's a whole fucking football season."

  "i can't stay here tonight that's tomorrow night."

callie was a superstitious volleyball player. she had the same schedule for most of her career. show up to wherever the game was fifteen minutes before warm-ups started. do breathing exercises for ten of those fifteen minutes right outside the door, she didn't care how weird she looked, she was just trying to prevent any anxiety. she never played the second set of the first game because when she was in the sixth grade she had a panic attack during the second set of the first game and she never wanted to risk it ever again. then about a year and a half ago she started a new tradition where she slept with fez the night before a game. she felt like he was her good luck charm and she needed as much luck as possible.

  "callie, it's fine if you stay two nights in a row." fez said. "it's not going to mess up your routine."

  "no it's bad luck." i protested standing up from the couch and starting to pace in living room. "like what if it just throws everything off? what if we lose because i decided to stay here an extra night?"

  "callie, you're doing that thing again where your overthink shit and give yourself a panic attack." fez called, leaning forward in his spot to see if he should stand up or not.

"it's just- like i can't lose. like if i lose my dad will never want to see me play." i said struggling to breathe in between my words. tight chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, it was happening.

"calliope, i need you to breathe." fez advised, taking hold of my face. "look at me."

i took deep breaths and tried to slow my heart rate. felling my chest go up and down centered me back to where i needed to be.

"give me your keys, i'll drive you home, okay?" fez said.

"how are you gonna get back here?" i asked.

"i'll walk." he answered as i gave him a certain look. "i promise, i'll be fine bruh. just give me your keys."

i sighed and reluctantly handed him my keys only to be pulled away by him outside.

  "my parents aren't here if you wanna just pull up, they're at nate's game." i said once we reached my street.

  "are sure?" he asked looking over at me. "like isn't aaron home?"

  "you literally sell drugs to him, i don't think he gives a fuck if you pull up in our driveway." i answered, looking over at fez. "but, uh, duck down when you pull up, my dad has cameras."

  "are fucking serious?"

  "no i'm just fucking with you." i answered laughing. "about the ducking part. but it's not like he checks the cameras like to see if i'm sneaking a drug dealer into the house or something."

  "are you like intentionally an asshole?"

  "yeah, i enjoy pissing you off. it's actually one of my favorite pass times." i responded, unbuckling my seatbelt before getting out of my car.

  "giving you these keys back is really gonna hurt my soul." fez joked putting my keys in my hand after walking me to my front door. "seriously, the things i would do to take this car off of your hands for you."

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