daddy issues

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fez never called callie unless an emergency was happening. they spoke over text but they rarely even did that because they were always within six feet of each other.

waking up to fez's ringtone is not the first thing i wanna hear in the morning, especially when it's five.

"hello." i answered in my groggy morning voice.

"where the fuck did you go?" he asked, shouting a little too loud.

"what the fuck are you talking about fez, i haven't even woken up yet for morning practice." i answered, extremely confused.

"i woke up this morning and you were gone."

"uh, yeah, because you fell asleep while i was helping ash with his homework and i didn't want to wake you up, so i left." i said like it was obvious.

"you could've woken me up." he responded sounding a little sad.

"why are you even awake right now?" i asked concerned.

"i woke up on the couch confused as fuck." he answered truthfully.

"ok, well go back to sleep and don't forget you're picking me up after practice today, fez." i said, trying not to fall asleep on the phone with him.

"alright, i'll see you later."

i hung up the phone and eventually went back to sleep. i needed as much sleep as possible before practice.

fez and callie weren't actually dating but they both knew that neither of them wanted to see anyone else, like ever again. they were both free to leave the "relationship" at any time or date other people but neither of them would ever do that.

  "don't forget you're taking me to practice today." i said to nate later that morning when we were both in the gym working out before practice.

  "i'm surprised you didn't stay at fezco's last night." he responded doing pull ups.

  "yeah, well, i just wanted to come home last night." i retorted, starting to get annoyed that he's talking to me about fez.

  "after what happened with dad last night?"

  "what the fuck are you talking about?" i asked, stopping my exercise.

  "look at your arm, callie, i know for a fact fezco didn't give you that and i heard you and dad yelling."

  "dad didn't do shit, nate. i ran into a wall corner." i said, looking at the huge hand print bruise on my arm.

"whatever helps you sleep better at night, callie."

"everyone did great today." i started at the end of practice when the varsity team circled up. "don't forget we have practice everyday this week, because it's the week before school starts. alright, blackhawks on three."

everyone broke and went to the showers after practice. some went to the athletic trainer to get their calves massaged.

after i showered and blow dried my hair, i grabbed my stuff from my locker and ran outside to meet fez in his car.

"hi." i said with a smile when i saw him standing outside his car. every time i saw fez i got butterflies, it didn't matter if i knew he was never going to break my heart.

"good morning." he smiled before kissing me which was followed by a gross being called out by nate from across the parking lot.

"i need coffee." i muttered when i rested my forehead against fez's chest.

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