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callie and nate sparred when they would get bored of their basic workouts. arms and chest, core, shoulders and back, legs, and repeat. callie was the one professionally trained. nate was obviously taller than callie and stronger than her, but this was the only thing she could beat him at, physically, at least. she always did better than him in school.

  "you're dropping you're hand again." i said, jokingly tapping nate on the face when i saw an opening. nate swung and once again i blocked and countered and landed the punch.

"hey you're gonna be late to school if you guys don't finish up right now." dad called out, coming into the gym.

"sorry, dad." i responded, taking off my gloves and grabbing my water bottle before i walked out.

"nate, stay behind." my dad mentioned to nate as he started to walk out. "are you really gonna let a girl beat you? she's half your size. she's weak, you could take her."

"dad she's really fast though." nate started as i continued to listen in on the conversation from the other side of the door. "and she's way more skilled."

"but you're stronger and bigger, she's just a weak little girl."

i ran up the stairs and into my room. throwing my gloves against the wall, i let out a frustrated scream.

calliope was alot like nate. anger issues, scared of their fucking father, scared of failure. but she was sensitive, and kind, and fell in love with everyone because she always saw the good- and only the good- in everyone. nate felt a need to protect her. but not even fezco could protect calliope from her father's words.

  "he's such a fucking asshole." i said to fez while we were on facetime. i woke him up so i could rant to him while I got ready for school.

  "callie, you know he's a piece of shit, so why do you let his words get to you like that." fez responded trying not to fall asleep.

  "it's just like, he's never been proud of me for anything it feels like, you know?" i asked before putting on my lipgloss.

  "fuck your dad, you're the best fucking person i know calliope. you're way fucking better than your brother."

  "you should be like a motivational speaker or some shit." i joked. "fuck, i gotta go. i'll see you in a little bit."

  "aight, i'll see you later." fez said before i hung up the phone.

i stood from my vanity in my closet and grabbed my school bag and keys before making my way downstairs.

  "bye mom, i love you!" i called out as i walked downstairs only to be stopped by her.

  "here, take this to fezco and ashtray." she whispered, handing me a tray of homemade muffins.

callie's mom actually really like fezco. she often would give callie baked goods to take over to their house and during the holidays she got them gifts and the same during their birthdays and easter. it was her dad that thought it would be despicable for her to even be seen in four feet of one of the boys anywhere.

  "really mom?" i asked embarrassed, looking down at the tray of muffins she was trying to hand me.

  "come on." she responded, pushing the tray towards me.

  "i love you." i said taking the muffins and leaving the house.

  "be safe!" she called.

"morning." i grumbled to ash walking into fez's apartment and setting the muffins on the kitchen counter.

  "morning." he replied not looking up from his phone.

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