silent treatment

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"shit, i gotta go." i mumbled looking at my phone. fez and i were still standing in the store after our fight.

"you just got here." he protested. "imma go with you."

"no you can't." i said quickly, my heart beating faster pushing him back. "i will be back by midnight, alright?"

"if you don't come back, i'm gonna call the police and tell them you're a missing person calliope!" he called out while i left.

  "calliope jacobs!" mckay shouted as i pulled up to the car meet and got out of my car

  "what's up mckay." i said walking up to him.

  "where's your guard dog?" he asked as we walked to join the rest of the group.

  "he doesn't know i'm here." i answered looking at the ground. "does cassie know you're here?"

  "if cassie knew i was here, i wouldn't be here."

"what's the buy in tonight, douglas?" i asked the man at the front of the meet.

"five grand tonight, calliope." he answered pointing at the table in front of him where everyone put their money in.

"you might as well just hand me your money right now mckay, because i'm going to beat your ass." i said to him as i threw down my money.

"rules are simple." douglas started and i zoned out while he went over the course even though it's been the same course and rules for like twenty years.

i got in my car and was placed next to mckay on the line. i didn't give a fuck about the money i just liked the thrill of racing, it gave me an adrenaline rush i hadn't felt in a long time.

as soon as i heard the shot ring through the air, i was off the line. zero to sixty in two seconds, my car was my dream car and specifically for this reason.

eventually we ran the track and obviously i came in first place per usual.

"thank you douglas." i said gathering my cash from the table and leaving five grand for him.

"congratulations once again calliope jacobs." mckay mentioned coming up next to me at my car.

"maybe once you get a better car you can finally do better than second place." i joked, throwing the bag of cash into my car.

"what do you even do with all the cash you make from racing?"

"i donate it to local charity. it's not like i need it." i shrugged looking around.


"look mckay, i gotta get going, but i'll see you around."

"see you later calliope." he said smiling at me before getting into his car.

"fucking pig." i mumbled to myself as i got into my own car.

the drive back to fez's was peaceful just me and my music.

  "hey." i said walking into ash's room.

  "what's in the bag?" he asked looking up from his phone.

  "you're christmas gift." i answered throwing the bag on his bed.

  "christmas is in like four months." ash said moving to the bag to open. "where the fuck did you get all this cash?"

  "shh." i hushed the boy before i closed the door.

  "where did you ninety five grand from, calliope?" he demanded.

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