you drive me crazy

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"fuck fez." i moaned out riding out my last high before i had to get in the shower.

  "are you sure you have to go to practice today?" he asked me as i collapsed on his chest.

  "i would love to stay with you all day fez, but i'm captain and on the varsity team, so that means attendance is required." i responded peering up at him through my eye lashes.

  "i know, i just wish practices were at night and not in the morning so we could spend more time together."

  "practices are in the morning so we can go out at night." i said, standing from the bed, extremely sore. "and i have to run to my house before practice to get a workout in."

  "i could've sworn you just did your cardio." fez teased sitting up. "i mean you can barely fucking walk callie."

  "shut the fuck up." i muttered shooting him a look of 'i'm gonna kick your ass.'

"i gotta go or else i'm not gonna be able to workout before practice." i said rushing out of the bathroom, throwing on whatever i could find to workout in. "have you seen my nic, i literally can't find it anywhere."

"it fell on the floor last night." fez responded, pointing next to him.

"can you grab it for me and like toss it to me?" i asked.

"can you not bend over?" fez responded laughing at himself before reaching down to grab my nic and toss it to me.

"no, i can not." i answered, catching it and throwing it in my bag. "make sure ash eats, if he doesn't eat he gets hangry and turns into a hormonal teenager. like at least a granola bar or something."

"i've taken care of ash for fifteen years callie, i know how he gets." fez responded, standing up and pulling on a pair of sweats.

"i know, i'm just like reminding you." i said trying to leave.

"hey." he said, softly grabbing my arm. he gently grabbed my face and kissed me. but not how he usually kisses me in a 'you're so fucking hot, i would fuck you in my car' kind of way but in a 'please come back in one piece' kind of way, you know what i mean?

"i will be back before you know it, okay?" i mumbled, resting my forehead against his. "don't do anything stupid while i'm gone."

"i've gotten this far in life." he mumbled back, holding my hands.

"stop trying to get me to stay here, you asshole." i laughed, pushing fez away before running out the door.

getting home wasn't the hard part, sneaking in was what was going to be tricky. quietly i opened and closed the door. my parents didn't really care how late i got home, what they cared about was not getting woken up. thankfully our gym was on the first floor so i wouldn't have to go through the trouble of trying not to step on the stairs that made noise. i held my gym back close to my body and went through the door to see nate was already working out. he honestly wouldn't care if i was in here but i couldn't scare him otherwise he would probably wake our parents up.

there was one thing about nate jacobs that never changed and that, no matter what, he would always care about his sister. he felt the need to protect her from all the bad in the world and even though he hated everyone else he really only cared about maddy and callie. callie could kill his cat and he would still protect her with his life, only because they were twins though. he came into this world protecting her and that's how he'll leave it.

"hey." i said setting my bag on the floor in front of the mirror.

"why are you here so early?" he asked continuing his rep.

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