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  "i'm startin' to get real fuckin' worried about rue, callie." fezco said to me as i got ready for practice the next morning.

  "her mom probably has her on lockdown, fez." i responded, pulling my hair back into a low pony. "like imagine if your daughter went to rehab after overdosing. wouldn't you keep her on lockdown?"

  "shit i would put a tracker in her arm."

  "exactly." i said, shooting fez a smile. "have you ever thought about that? i mean having kids."

  "i've thought about it, and then immediately threw the idea in the trash. no way in fucking hell, am i bringing a child into this fucked up world."

callie didn't have any regrets about the abortion. she was proud of herself to go through with it. she knew it was the right decision. but just for a quick moment she thought what it would've been like to have a child with fezco. she thought of peace and happiness. but then reality fronted and she realized if she had a kid she wouldn't be able to play college volleyball, she wouldn't be able to focus in classes. she realized having a child in high school would be the biggest mistake she could ever make.

  "yeah." was all i could muster up as i looked in the mirror. "i gotta go, i'm gonna be late."

  "we'll be at the store." he called out as i left.

  "bitch are you okay?" maddy asked me when i walked into the locker room.

  "i'm fine maddy." i said throwing my stuff in my locker.

  "you were in the hospital for like two days, are you sure you're fine?"

  "god why are you always so fucking nosey." i responded, closing my locker and walking out onto the gym.

  "alright everyone, circle up!" coach shouted as everyone circled around me.

  "i know i've been gone for two days but the season starts soon so let's knock this last pre-season practice out and actually enjoy the rest of our fucking summer."

  "rue!" i called out as i saw her standing and talking to fez. i ran over to her and i knew she wasn't a big hug person, but i hugged her as tight as i could. "i missed you so fucking much, you bitch."

  "hi." she responded with a laugh hugging me back. "thank you so much for watching out for gia while i was gone."

  "of course, i would watch out though only because she's been hanging out with the mckay twins a lot lately. have you met jewel yet-"

  "i'm pretty sure it's jules, callie." fez said, interrupting me.

  "whatever the fuck her name is, i'm like pretty sure you would be like best friends with her." i continued, sitting next to fez.

  "she came in here yesterday looking all sailor moon and shit." fez added, putting his right arm on the couch behind me.

  "he's been watching a lot of anime recently." i joked.

  "what am i supposed to do while you're gone?"

  "maybe your job?"

  "for real?"

  "yeah." i said laughing.

  "you guys make me wanna fucking puke." rue joked pretending to gag.

  "how long you been back?" fez asked.

  "five days." she answered.

  "see, i fucking told you." i whispered to fez.

  "and like how you feelin'? you clean?"

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