it was supposed to be the best night of her life

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⚠️!!!!TW: sexual assault at the end!!!!⚠️

  "hello." i groaned picking up my phone from my dead sleep.

  "hey can you get here? i need your help." fez muttered over the phone

  "i'll be there as soon i can." i said shooting up from my bed and putting on the closest pair of shoes i could find.

  "hey." fez said opening the door after i had gotten to his apartment in less than ten minutes.

  "is everything okay? is ash okay? is your grandma okay?" i asked rushing through the front door.

  "oh hey calliope." jules called from across the room on the couch.

  "hey jewel." i responded looking at fez confused.

  "rue was here when mouse was over, he made her take fentanyl. i need you to help jewel get rue somewhere safe."

  "of course." i said looking at fez before walking over to the couch where jules sat with rue's head laying on her lap.

  "do you wanna take her legs and i'll grab her arms?" jules asked.

  "whatever's fine." i answered walking over to rue's feet to grab them. "you got it?"

  "yeah." jules replied lifting rue up from the couch.

  "do you mind if we take your car, the backseat is a lot bigger than mine and rue's a big bitch." i asked looking over at fez knowing he wanted to do something to help.

  "yeah, for sure." he replied, sniffling before grabbing his keys off the table.

  "i'm sorry for dragging you into this." fez said to me as we drove to jules' house. fez was driving, i was in the passenger seat, and jules was in the back with rue's head in her lap like how they were on the couch. "i know this is not what you wanna be doing the night before your birthday."

  "your birthday's tomorrow?" jules asked from the backseat.

  "yeah, i'm turning eighteen." i answered.

  "eighteen's a serious number, are you like doing anything big?"

  "same thing my brother and i've done since freshman year; rent a huge house, open addy party, get wasted, you know the usual."

  "wait, you have a twin brother?"

  "yeah... jewel, we have like two classes together, have you not heard my name in attendance? do you even know my last name?"


"it's jacobs."

  "holy fuck you're nate jacobs sister?"

  "the fact that you haven't put that together yet is like mind blowing to me. like are you sure you're not a natural blonde?"

"ha ha you're so funny." jules said sarcastically.

"so like how do we get her out of the car?" jules asked once we pulled up to her house.

"ok i think you should grab her arms again and pull her out until like i can grab her legs and then we'll just readjust as we go." i answered standing next to her outside the car.

  "i think rue really likes you." i said to jules as we walked into her house.

  "really?" she asked.

  "yeah. plus you're like the only person, maybe besides lexi, who would do this bullshit."

  "well, you're here."

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