Gucci Monster

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What a clean, smooth start right? Well guess what? This is not quite what happened, in fact this isn't at all that happened. It was a pretty unique start and that was the point she knew that, her life as a man is gonna be messed up as hell.

Well let's dive right in.


"Ah here it is, seat no. 15 of A. Finally gotcha!" I said as I sat down. Wondering who might be sitting in the seats opposite to me, or maybe no one actually was gonna sit there. Either way I would be fine as long as no one disturbs my sleep. I had bought a bubble tea, and I was enjoying my drink, while listening to music in high volume, that I didn't even notice or hear that the train had pulled its horn and it was all set to head towards Seoul.

I removed my headphones as I felt someone standing close to me.

"Taehyung-ah come here, I found our seats." The short man, who looked like a Strange. Spoke up and almost immediately I saw another man who seemed around my age running towards us.

Damn I gotta say he looked hot, in fact the hottest. Who was he, and how dare he have such unearthly features? Man, he's surely not a human. alien

I was so deep into my useless thoughts that I didn't even notice the train had started moving, and I being the clumsy girl I am, due to the swift movement I flinched and fell off my seat, and during the process I might have accidentally slipped an incy wincy bit of my bubble tea on the alien-like human. To be precise I fucked up big time, more than half of my drink has fallen on him.

"What the f*ck?" He blurted out looking down at his now ruined Gucci clothes.

Oh shoot

"Look, I'm soo sorryy, I sincerely apologise for this. It was accidental." I said trying to ease his rising anger.

"Oh really?? Can your apology restore my newly bought Gucci??"

Oh my ghawd, am I getting broke even before reaching Seoul? It hasn't even been an hour since I left Daegu. Huhuhuhu screw my life.

"Oi back to earth!?" He snapped his fingers in-front if me interrupting my useless self-rants.

"Oops sorry, I spaced out." I chuckled bitterly.

"I'm really sorry, I'll p-pay for your ruined cloth." I said

"Huh? Do you know how much limited this shirt is?? I'll have to wait for another season to buy such a shirt again!! I don't care about money! But you ruined my Gucci!"

*angry in Gucci* typical Taehyung.

"Damn, can you like calm down? I said sorry for like a million times and also offered to pay, what else do you want?" I said atlast letting my anger out.

"I don't want your money, Why am I even bothering talking to little loser boy like you."

I lost it.

Oh no boy, you fucked up.

"HUH? what the hell?? The train started moving swiftly and so I stumbled upon by accident. Can't you just show some respect?? Seriously I can't believe people like you exist."

"What did you sa-." He was absolutely pissed off, but was stopped by an angry yoongi who had enough.

"Can you two fuckin stop??"

"No-." I was about to say something but was cut off by Taehyung signal-warning me not to provoke the other guy or we'll be dead.

I kinda surprisingly caught up with what he was saying so I stopped and sat down.

"Here take this, and don't show up in my life ever again." I said as I gave him 500,000 won. And now I had only 300,000 won left with me which was merely enough to survive. Actually it wasn't even enough to survive for 3 days.

Shoot, I'm broke.

He scoffs "wow, 50k won? That's ain't even 20% of that shirt, and I told you I don't want your money. Just take it back and fuck off." He said.

"No...look, I'm actually sorry for what I did and your temper ain't helping you getting your Gucci shirt back."

"Just accept it, your temper ain't helping you Taehyung. Look little man, he hasn't been in a good mood today so just leave it. And both of you just shut up, I wanna sleep."

This guy stole my thoughts, I wanna sleep so badly as well, but this gucci monster destroyed my whole damn mood. But wait- why are they calling me little man? Like seriously? Ok, I might be short, but still.

I said nothing and sat on my seat and drifted off to sleep. Still an hour and a half more to reach Seoul.

Gucci monster's name is stuck in my head. Taehyung...why is it so familiar?
Taetae? No way it can't be my taebear. Why did I even think like that in the first place? There are thousands of people with 'tae' in their name. Doesn't mean they have to be my taebear. But perhaps I was getting this weird feeling... Déjà Vu?

Helloooo my kookiesss! (Lol) so, that's it for chapter two. Hope you enjoyed it!! Look forward to the upcoming chapter!!


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