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"Guys, you in here?" I ask when there is nothing but silence welcoming me into the warehouse.

I walk in and there is no one in sight. "Hello!" I say a little louder, hoping to get their attention, and they will come out.

Where are these people? I decide to look around a little. I haven't really been to the other side of the warehouse that was separated by a huge metal door. There is really only one place that we hang out and this is right in front of the front door.

I walk past the bar and confidently approach the door right in front of me. "You guys in there?" I ask when I reach the door.

For a second I get quiet to hear if someone responds to me. But when I hear nothing, I take it as a sign to open the door.

Well, at least I give it my best shot to open it. I pull down on the silver metal handle and pull, but the door doesn't move.

I try again, this time putting even more force into it. The door just won't budge.

For a second a little suspicion takes over and I even consider pushing the door. Although it doesn't seem like a push kind of door.

I put my right shoulder to the front and take a step back to get more power. Right as my shoulder is about to meet the hard surface of the door, I hear a placid voice behind me.

"I wouldn't go there if I were you," the voice says.

I turn around, only to see Harry standing right behind me with his arms crossed on his chest. He has this devilish almost playful look in his eyes.

"Where is everybody?" I ask leaning back on the metal door. It's cold to the touch.

"What do you mean?" With a frown, he steps closer to me. I have nowhere to move to really, since I'm backed up against the door.

"I'm right here," he widens his arms with a cheeky smile, his eyes glued to mine.

He is getting a little too close for my liking. About 10 inches is parting us from touching.

"I see that, but where are the others?" I say pretty quickly.

I try to brush off the fact that I'm incredibly disturbed by him standing so close to me. The last time we were this close, I was trying to hit him. And the time before that, he was holding a gun practically to my throat.

"They're in there," he carelessly motions his head at the door that I was trying to open and am now leaning against.

"And why shouldn't I go in there then?" I'm a little curious.

"I didn't say you shouldn't, I said I wouldn't if I were you," he happily corrects me.

"So I can go in there?" I turn around to maybe try opening the door again.

I'm right about to grab the handle that I left down, to try again when an inked hand lands on it before mine.

"No," his firm voice, is now right next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He pushes the metal handle back up.

I feel his body pressed against my back, and his breath fanning the crook of my neck. I don't dare to turn around, since he is now far too close to me.

"Why not?" I ask carefully. I look to my left a little, but all I see are his loose brown curls, hanging on his forehead.

"There is no reason, princess," he says into my ear, almost whispering.

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