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"Hey? Hey! Can you hear me?" A muffled voice in the middle of the black sea says.

The black starts turning more green-grey, blinks of red flickering as well. I can feel a hard surface under my side before my body is turned around onto my back, then I can feel it against every part of my body.

My eyes open slowly, right away meeting with the flickering neon light above. I blink my eyes, trying to focus my sight.

"Can you hear me?" An older man appears in my sight, squatting down next to me, he places his cold hand on the side of my face and turns my face more his way. I slowly nod.

"Do I have to call an ambulance, or can you get up?" He wonders, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I uh, I think I ca-" I try to push myself up to my elbows, realizing that I had passed out, and am now lying on the cold hard asphalt in the middle of the street.

I manage to push myself all the way to sit up on the road. The unfamiliar guy stands up and holds his hand out right in front of me. I don't know who it is, so I'm hesitant to take his hand, but his worried smile makes me change my mind.

He helps me get up and supports me the first seconds my legs are still too weak.

"Are you okay? The guy ran away, but I saw his face," he says comfortingly, holding me up straight.

"Which way?" I ask him.

He motions his head towards the way that I had come and his friends had gone earlier. He probably went to the party with them.

"Do you want to go to the police?" He leans his face closer to mine, making sure I can hear him.

"No, no, I'm just gonna go home," I say when I have finally gotten back the strength to stand up without his support. Although a little wobbly.

"Are you from here? Or where do you stay? I can drop you off, my car is right around the corner," he kindly offers.

Although he seems like a nice trustworthy man, I don't want to take any more risks today.

"No no, it's fine. I stay close to here, I'll just walk," I say to the man.

"Are you sure? This young man can come back," he looks worried.

"Yeah I'm sure, my friends are also in a club a few blocks away, so I'm all good. Thank you for offering though," I smile at him and start going toward the hotel, which is actually the same way as the club.

"Get home safe!" The guy yells after me when I'm already a yard away from him up the street.

I speed-walk past the houses on my right, a lot of them are open 24/7 and have quite a lot of people in them. How is that old man the only one that heard us outside? Did they just ignore it, because it's so regular here?

My neck is hurting with the deeper breaths I take. I place my cold hand on my neck, trying to keep my breaths as short as possible while practically jogging up the street. Cars are passing, just like they were minutes ago.

My steps are somewhat sloppy and to bypassers, I might just appear drunk. I don't care about how I look right now, all I want to do is get back to the hotel and crawl into bed.

I can't hold back the salty tears either. Why did I even come here? I knew what he's capable of and I should've known he hasn't changed with a couple of months. And the way he even said he loves me while having his hand on my neck. How could I be so stupid and even go talk to him?

I don't want anything to do with him ever again! I want to delete his contact, all the pictures, and everything I have of him! I pat the hoodie's pocket on my lower stomach, but surprisingly my hands don't meet with a hard piece of plastic.

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