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"How about going to a High Roller? We didn't go last time, so I think that should be fun," Zayn says, as soon as we step outside of the restaurant.

"What's a High Roller?" I ask.

"It's a Ferris wheel, but it's a cool one. Well I think, they didn't want to go the last time we were here," He says, motioning toward the group walking behind us. Zayn and I are at the front.

"I think we should take the helicopter ride," Louis suggests.

"We have time, we can do both," Zayn says.

"I think you have to buy tickets for the tour before actually going there. We might be late to that already," Chaia says.

"We can also rent a helicopter and do whatever we want," Harry carelessly offers.

"You have any idea how to fly a helicopter?" I let out a laugh. I hope it doesn't come off as rude.

"Are you doubting that I can Dawn? How hard can it be, really?" He pokes his head between Zayn and me and turns it to look directly at me.

"So you're telling me that you can fly a helicopter?" I tilt my head and raise an eyebrow his way.

"No, but I'm saying I could," he chuckles, pulling his head back.

"What do we want then? Helicopter or a Ferris wheel?" Liam asks, already ready to look up the tickets from his phone.

"Both," Zayn says, turning around. He won't stop until he gets on that wheel, wouldn't he?

"Okay, well I'll get the wheel then. What time do we want the helicopter? Right after it?" Liam asks, already tapping buttons on the screen.

"Wait guys, you can get the helicopter thing for the night too. That would be cool," Liam looks up from his phone.

"Well then, onto the wheel right now, and then later on the copter," Zayn says.

"The wheel isn't far, we'll walk there, right?" Chaia says, not wanting to get the cars to get there. I also don't mind walking there, but I think Harry might.

"It would take longer with a car that's for sure," Louis says, hinting at the traffic right next to us.

Only the time we would spend looking for a spot to park is comparable to what we'll spend on walking there. Plus all the traffic lights and possible traffic jams.

I guess we're already walking in the right direction since we don't turn around to cross the street. Even Harry doesn't seem too mad about walking now. Maybe he was just hungry and that made him grumpy.

We keep walking down the busy street, the bright sun making me feel a bit hot with a hoodie. But I also couldn't take it off, since I have nothing but a bra under it. I never learn.

Zayn and Harry are both dressed even warmer than me. Zayn has a hoodie and a shirt, and Harry has a leather jacket and a shirt. He must be melting in there.

But of course, they could also go shirtless if they wanted to. If I'd do that, I'd probably be called a nudist or something. Some world we live in.

I should've at least taken my sunglasses, my eyes are already getting tired of squinting. From far away, I think I finally notice the wheel we're headed to.

It looks pretty huge, and that's only from far away. It seems to have like little capsules for everyone.

We get closer, and I get a better look. It's big and has closed cabins all around it. There is a platform right under it to get on.

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