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I have to drive!? I have never driven a car before, how am I possibly going to do it now? Louis, Harry, and I walk outside, I stay a little behind them.

Outside we're walking towards the black car that I haven't seen before. The car looks pretty intimidating, it's probably pretty expensive. This is at least how it looks like.

Harry carelessly throws me the keys, while I'm walking behind them. I don't think fast enough and they fall to the ground. I quickly pick them up, before they turn around.

Harry gets on the passenger seat, while Louis gets in the back. I'm forced to take the driver's seat.

I look down at the car keys in my hands. It doesn't even have a key to it, it's just a rectangular-shaped block. I have no idea what to do with this.

I look at the side of the wheel where the key normally goes, but there is nowhere to put it. Then I notice a hole in the front, that has a button 'engine start/stop' under it. Could that be where I have to stick it?

I put it into the hole, not fully knowing, and press the button. The subtle growling sound of the car tells me that I have successfully started the car.

But now what do I do? I look next to my right hand, and there is a gear shift. This is supposed to regulate how fast you're going?

I take the lever into my hand and then I stop. I don't know what to do next. I'm completely clueless. Which way do I move it?

"What are you waiting for?" Harry turns to me when he notices that the car isn't going anywhere anytime soon. His sunglasses are not hiding his scornful look well.

I look at him a little helplessly and quickly turn back to the lever. What do I do with this thing?! How do I do it? Do I have to use one of the pedals too? And if so, then which one of these three?

I think Harry catches up quite quickly. "Having troubles princess?" One side of his mouth curls up to a satisfied smirk.

I sigh and turn back to look at the wheel. I have to be able to do it somehow.

"Didn't I say Barbie cars don't count?" He continues with a degrading tone.

"Didn't you say you can drive, Dawn," Louis from the backseat asks. No, I can't deny it either.

"Well I, I thought that maybe-"

"Maybe you'll know how to drive out of nowhere? It's not that easy princess," Harry raised one of his eyebrows with a grin.

I keep quiet.

"So you're telling me that we have to teach you how to drive too?" Louis asks from the backseat. "You'll take that one, Harry," he adds quickly.

Harry sighs demonstratively. "Get out," he says, opening his door. I guess we're switching places.

I go sit on the passenger seat and Harry takes the wheel. I try to process what he did to get that car to move, but I'm not totally sure if I caught that.

We drive through the streets, soon reaching the highway. Sometime later we pass the 'No Trespassing' sign and turn deeper into the woods.

With less than a mile, we reach the warehouse, passing yet another sign of the same sort.

We all get out of the car and I'm pretty anxious, not knowing what we're going to do here. Why didn't others come? Niall was up and he stayed back too.

"Since one of us is lying about being able to drive, I guess we'll have to start there," Harry crosses his arms, coming closer to me.

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